The Family Intentions

Start from the beginning

Ozpin: I put a finger underneth my chin to think"If possible maybe we can keep you here two more year but that is it."

Nero: I nodded to not liking his answed"Two more years here isn't good enough."

Glynda: I uncross my arm to look at Nero with a frustrating look"It is all we can give. If you do not like it you may leave."

Nero: I look back at Glynda not backing down"We are not leaving!" By rising my voice this cause everyone around me to look at me surprise

Orleans: I just can't believe I'm seeing this side of Nero he never acted like this before even at out youngest days

Nero: I look at Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch locking my eyes with theirs "Just two more years. You can't even know for sure unless you try to give us three. Me and my siblings didn't came this far to just walk away." I point my finger towards the city of Vale"Me and my siblings didn't fought our way to vale so we can come to this academy just to walk away." I took a step forward crossing my arm's as I stood tall and firm"And for sure we did not came this far to back down because the world know of us, so let them come for us cause we aren't walking away! If it the fight they want...let them have it..." I look at them with a smile that can only be describe insanity and my giggle coming out with excitement

Glynda: "Mr. Zexal!" I try to walk towards him but Ozpin stop me in my path

Ozpin: I slowly walk towards Nero, then place my cane into the ground as him and I stare each other"Do you truly believe you can be here that long Mr. Zexal?"

Nero: I look at him still smiling as I chuckle to his questiom"I've always believe in hope because if my parent's were able to believe they can have a family and live happily till death do them apart. Then anything is possible but only if you try."

Ozpin: "What of the people that will try to kill you or capture you?" I push my glasses up to see of his next response to it

Nero: "Then we will take them outside with us." I look into his eyes to show I have no fear to those outcomes that may come for me and my family

Ozpin: I had one final question for him and his siblings so I look at all four of them"Then one final question. What is it is your intentions for coming here? Because if you all wanted to live a simple life then you will have surely gone to the mountain's."

RVBY: All four them remind in silent as they look at each other to see if they will agree so Nero, Orleans, Snow, and Orlando look at Glynda and Ozpin

Nero: I smile more as I started to laugh"It simple... We want to show the world who we are, we don't want to live in the shadows because of what they think of us. They never had the power to decided how we can be part of the society and they never will."

Orleans: I walk to Nero side with both of my hands in my hip"We want to have the oppertunity to live our own lives and how we choose to live it."

Snow: I walked to Orleans side, then stand in a respectful poster"We will want to show the world that we are not bad just because of how we were born."

Orlando: I walked to Snow side standing tall with confidents"We want to be able to walk outside without anyone having problem with us all because of how our parents lived they're lives. We are a different person with a different soul, not those who were before us."

Ozpin: I look each one them to hear they're intentions and what they told me was a very unique thing. So I slowly walked back to my desk to sit in it, then I look at Team RVBY"Well we will need to give you a new name. We will call the whole students to be in the autorium tomorrow morning, any questions?"

Nero: I titled my head smiling to not hearing a actual answer from him though also wanting to hear it aswell"So three more years?"

Ozpin: I laugh to his question as if I didn't made it clear before"Three years."

Nero:"Thanks, I had fun in our talk." Me and my siblings starting walking back to the elevator, once it close I look back at my siblings with a small smile"That was fun!"

Orleans: Me and my brother's look at Nero speechless to his sudden behavior and actions which yet again it was strange in a way

Glynda: when they left the office I look back at Ozpin unplease with his decision"What is this you doing? We can't guarantee three more years with them here!"

Ozpin: I look at Glynda eyes to make contact with her"Don't you think they're intentions is some what worth the effort."

Glynda: I stop to think for a moment, what those four said eariler which I supppse was interesting"I suppose so." I sigh to having no point into debating this"Very well, I just hope having them here won't give me too much trouble then it already is." I cross my arms admitting defeat

Ozpin: I just simply smile to her feeling happy with her"Good. Now let prepared the meeting tomorrow morning"

With Jaune

Jaune: I stood on a roof where I was with pyrrha last time, which it was night when class ended

Pyrrha: When I came to the roof I notice Jaune was here so I walked up to him"No Cardin tonight?" When I gotten closer to him I lean forward to look into his features"I thought you two were best buds?"

Jaune: I look at her sincer with how her and I spoke last time"Pyrrha, I'm sorry. I was a jerk. You were only trying to be nice and I-I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-"

Pyrrha: After I've walked abit closer to him I spoke"Jaune. It ok." Him and I smile to each other feeling realif"Your team really misses their leader, you know." I started walking back to our dorm"You should come down. Ren made pancakes. No syrup, though you can thank Nora for that."

Jaune: I was having second thoughts of something that I wanted to ask Pyrrha but in the end I suck it up and rise my hand as I try to get her attention"Wait!"

Pyrrha: I stop to turn around look looking back to Jaune

Jaune: I grab my arm as I look away from her gaze"I know I don't deserve it after all that happened but..would you still be willing to help me. To help me become a better fighter." I stare at Pyrrha waiting for a answer from her

Pyrrha: I turn around to have my back to him, then I put on a big smile feeling happy he asking me for help. So I turn back to him to start walking towards him and once I got close to him I push him down to the floor

Jaune: When I hit the ground I look up to her confuse for her sudden action"Hey!"

Pyrrha: I put my hands to my hips as I look at him"Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground." I offer him my hand to help him up"Let's try that again."

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