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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Tbh I didn't want to continue this story because I don't follow the fandom again after Rap Battle ended 2 years ago. I heard the story got darker with Nemu became an enemy and Hypmic get 2 new group too, but I'll keep this story unrelating it with original story (like... I use the characters only here)

Btw, Congrats for Hypmic!!! (*'ω'ノノ゙

I wanted to delete this but I can't because I love my own work even tho it's not perfect (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

Soooo, idk why suddenly many notifications about this ff, so I try to continue this slooooowly.

And tbh since it's already more than 1 year, I already forget the story ^^"

I once talk with Sada about how she was and she will in the story but I forgot it too lolol
I can't ask her becase we don't talk anymore due some reason in RL 😅
So, I'm sorry Sada but I think I will continue this story with my original set up (I think I'll make new ideas, fortunately it'll keep flooding when I write the fanfic at the same time xDD )

Be safe guys! Let's pray 2021 will be a better year, amen.

GBU guys (*'˘'*)♥


"WHAT!?Y-YOU REALLY LOST YOUR MEMORY!?" Dice exclaimed unbelievable when Ai said that she lost it.

"Gentaro, what should I do... I was just about to eat with your money but I think I need your money more to treat this kid." Dice cried.

"Who do you said kid!? I already 18 years old, old man!" Ai yelled angrily.

"O-old man? Do I look that old!?I just didn't take a bath for 5 days." He said. And soon Ai and Gentaro took few steps back, around 5 metres from Dice. Their face are sour while looking at confused Dice. "What the hell!? Why did you guys suddenly away from me!? Am I that smelly!? Huh!?" He tried to smell his own body.

"To be honest, Dice... Yes you are." Gentaro covered his lower face with his book. Ai pinched her nose while staring at Dice disgusting.

"Stop staring me with those eyes, guys..."

Dice took a glance at Ai and ask her to talk in a cheap cafe to talk about her memory lost. Enjoying Dice's panic expression, Gentaro and Ai just went with the flow.

"So... I think we really need you to go to the hospital to check your condition."

"It's okay, I don't want to check up, maybe you can give me the money to me." Ai smiled.

"Ugh... but I don't have money at all. Gentaro, lent me your money for her will you?"

"No way."

"You're too cruel, my friend..."

Dice is easy to tease, Ai knew Gentaro enjoying it too even with his fake face. She never knew she would meet interesting people here and she loves to be friends with them if she can.

"Dice, you must know that she's joking about memory lost."


Dice stopped his crying while hugging Gentaro's free hand. Ai giggled at his reaction, "You're correct! Can I call you big bro?"

"I don't need a sister so no thanks. Just say your business with us without wasting more of my time."

Gentaro glared sharply at Ai with his lower face being covered with his literature book. 'He sure knew it fast.' Ai smiled.

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