Here Comes This Nigga 🙄🙄

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Waking up, confused as to where the Hell I was, only to look around and to see the musty hospital room that I've grown to fucking at with Bri in the corner asleep. This bitch looks stressed out.

Grabbing the pillow behind my head and chucking it at this bitch.

"BRI, Wake the fuck up!!" I yelled as she woke up ready to beat my ass.

"Why am I here?" I asked ready for get the fuck...ASAP.

"Maya, you deadass don't remember?" She asked

"Maya, you deadass don't remember?" She asked

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"No" I said cause duh.

"Bitch, one minute we was on the edge of Jersey looking at locations, you were feeling faint LIKE I HAD KNOWN, then you fell hard as shit on the floor, THEN ya stitches that BARELY started to heal, burst open. That poor realtor" she said and I had no words.

"Of course that shit would happen to me" I said mad as shit.

"There's more" she said and I wanted to pass out again.

"Aight, so clearly you haven't been getting proper nutrients, and you were severely dehydrated, also you lost A LOT of blood. I thought you were going to die, so you're a very SPECIFIC blood type like really specific, you're AB+, I don't know why you're gotta be so damn special and extra and shit, they didn't have that here, so they checked my blood and as I was waiting, I called Dave, cause I'm here by myself scared shitless, for the first time ever this nigga decided to have me on speaker and Shooter heard what happened, and he..." Bri trailed off not finishing what she was trying to say but I was ready to beat her ass anyways.

"And he what?" I said leaning in and she played with her hands.

"Well turns out we're not the same blood type, but apparently he had his blood tested back when he was also doing the baby bullshit with that dumb bitch because she was high risk and just in anyways um he's...whewwww....he's a match Maya" she said and I hope she doesn't say what she's going to say.

"So they were in upstate, and it's not that hard to get a plane and drive down here...soooo...he um" she again did that bullshit.

"WHAT????" I asked.

She didn't even say anything she turned to the opposite side of the room in the dark, all you see is this fucking figure just sitting there lightly snoring.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked.

"I had no choice Maya, you don't have family here, I don't know anyone else. You were literally dying. I'm sorry Maya, I'm so so sorry" Bri begged as she got up and came to my bed side crying.

I started crying too because this man by himself managed to fuck so much shit up for me without even flinching and he's the same one that managed to save my fucking life.

This man sold me a fucking dream, and that's my fault for believing that bullshit.

He was nowhere to be found when it came to our child and caused me so much pain in a short amount of time but the second he hears I'm dying this same nigga was fly and rescue my ass, this is some confusing fucked up shit man.

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