Chapter 28

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Makayla's POV

I think my mom and Ms.brittany has something going on,I don't know for sure what,but something is definitely up.

"Babe,i think my mom and her mom have something going on."

"What,nahh your mom don't even like girls."

"Have you been paying attention to them lately?"


"Thats why then,anyways what are we doing today cause our moms are taking the kids out and your brother has a date."

"Wait my brother has a date."

"Yea,he didnt tell you?"

"No,I'll be back."

Kayla's POV

How does my brother have a date and he didnt even tell me but he told Makayla,Im about to beat his ass.

"You have a date?"


"So when in the hell were you going to tell me?"

"I wasn't,let's face it,you are crazy when it comes to the people I date,remember Jessica,you put nair in her shampoo because she cheated on me."

"First of all,I did what any other sister would have did,probably more, and I promise I won't go crazy this time,just tell me about her."

"Yea sure but her name is Mariah,she's not from here she's actually visiting Jamaica with a few of her family members as well,she stays in Atlanta."

"Okok,listen just be safe and i love you."

"I love you too sis."

Ashley's POV

"Where are we taking the kids?"

"Uhh,let's take them shopping."


At this point,I can't keep dwelling on the past, yea I know Yolanda just passed away but i want to live my life,I want to be able to be happy and by being depressed is not going to cut it,of course I miss her and I will always have a special place in my heart for hee but she's gone and never is coming back and im still here,i have to live my life.

At this point,I can't keep dwelling on the past, yea I know Yolanda just passed away but i want to live my life,I want to be able to be happy and by being depressed is not going to cut it,of course I miss her and I will always have a special place...

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