Chapter 5

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2 weeks later

Kayla's POV

I haven't heard from Makayla since we went skating. I wonder whats going on, I hope she's ok. Let me text her.

To: Future🤔💭

Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while,are you ok?

Imessage from Future🤔💭

It's a lot going on right now....

To future🤔💭

Wanna talk about it?

Imessage from Future🤔💭

Sure,meet me at waffle house.

I wonder whats going on with her. I took a shower,and put on clothes. I didn't wanna dress up because its only waffle house. I grabbed my wallet and keys and got into my car.

 I grabbed my wallet and keys and got into my car

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25 minutes later

I walked into waffle house and I saw her sitting at a booth. "Hey." "Hey." "So what's been going on,why have you been avoiding me?" "Well,there has been something i didn't mention to you." "Oh lord."

"Ever since I came out at the age of 12,my father has been beating on me,he doesn't even look at me the same anymore,I thought about being straight to make him stop,but I was like this is who i am,im not about to change who I am to please someone else,when he didnt see that i didn't grow out of it,it grew worse,he actually tried to rape me."

I was actually shocked that she was going through this,she is so strong to be only 19 years old. "The night we went skating i came back and he found out I was gone and he slapped me,twice and my mom came home and she tried to go off on him for me but of course that didnt last,he ended up hitting her too,so now we have been living in a hotel until the divorce is final."

"Wow,Makayla I never would have thought,so why is your mom just finding out about this?" I asked. "Well,my mom is a nurse,she has been a nurse since I was little kid so she never really been around because shes always working and it sucks because if I would have told her sooner,it wouldnt have got as far as it did." "Do not beat yourself up over this,this is not your fault,trust me it could have been a lot worse,you are a strong person ok, you got this,look stay with me at my apartment. " i told her. I can't sit around and let her sleep in a hotel. Who knows when her mom divorce will be finalized,divorces can actually take months some years.

"As much as I want to take you on that offer, i can't leave my mom and siblings by themselves." Thats understandable. "Ok promise me one thing,when your mom divorce becomes final,you will move in with me." "Haha,ok" I want to protect her,it didn't even happen to me and i feel like it's affecting me more than makayla.

Brittany's POV

I'm so ready for this divorce to be over,as much as I love him,I can not sit around and stay with after he did what he did.

I finally made it to my lawyer's office to settle the final agreements before the divorce is final.

I finally made it to my lawyer's office to settle the final agreements before the divorce is final

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"Goodmorning ms.brittany,so,let's go over the plan and I tell you what was said, so the only the thing you are asking for is 7 million dollars,correct?"

"Yes,that is correct." So Michael agreed to give you the 7 million dollars if he can get back the car." "That's fine with me." "Ok,thank you so much for coming in today,i will send you the paperwork when it comes through."

I know what youre thinking,why do you want 7 million dollars,i want that bastard to suffer, I want him to suffer like he made my kids suffer for the past 20 years. He will reap what he sow.

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