Chapter 17

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Makayla's POV

The only thing on my mind is lord please let my mama live,she is the only family member that I have,i can't do this on my own, lord please.

I grabbed Javon and Mercedes and then i went to the car. I called the ambulance as soon I seen my mama lieing down,I made sure that i shot that bastard,I shot him in the head so i know he died but I could care less because i could possibly lose the biggest thing in my life right now which is my mom.

Once I reached the hospital,I got my sister and brother out, and we went straight to the receptionist's desk. "Brittany Thomas" "she is currently in surgery right now so you can't go see her."

We sat down and I called kayla to let her know what was going on and she said that they were on their way.

30 minutes later

"Hey y'all,hey Ms.Ashley" "Hey love,how is she?" "I don't know,they said she is in surgery right now." "Aww,it's going to be ok,she is going to pull through,she's a strong woman." After Ms.Ashley calmed me down I noticed that Kayla and Ms.Ashley weren't speaking to each other,they can't be serious right now.

"I don't know what's going on but I sense tension, i need yall to fix it, now is not the time to be doing all y'all this, y'all are mother and daughter not bestfriends,fix it."

Kayla's POV

Makayla is right, even though I have issues with my mom, im grateful for her, i have to talk to her about this. Ee stepped outside of the hospital and we sat on a nearby bench.

"I just wanna know from start to finish,why did you leave me?" " When i was younger i was dealing drugs, my boss raped me, and thats when you were conceived, I decided to come out to my mom at the time I was pregnant and i also told her I was raped,she told me to get out and that she wished I was raped again, so i got back on the streets. When I had you, I couldnt take care of you,it was too dangerous i didn't want you exposed to all that so I reached out to my mom and she took you until i finally left the drug business."

Now i feel like i shitty daughter, I didn't even know that all of this happened to my mom,some people can be so cruel and mean.

"I'm so sorry mom,I didn't know." "You were young, you didnt know,I am the one that apologize for leaving you." We hugged and we went back inside of the hospital to confront Makayla.

At the same time the doctor came out and we all went over to him. "Family of Brittany Thomas?" "yes" we all said in unison. "We were able to remove the bullet from her body but unfortunately she slipped into a coma immediately after surgery."

I saw Makayla fall back into the chair and I went to go over there and confront her. She started hysterically crying and I couldnt do nothing but hold her.

Once things calmed down, my mom decided to bring up the fact that she might need to move in with us which is totally understandable,she doesn't need to be by herself taking care of her siblings and herself.

"You can move in with me" not to push the issue but i just don't wanna see her by herself in a time like this. "Yea and i can take the munchkins while you take care of yourself." My mom suggested. "Ok fine."

After we settled the living arrangements, we stopped by the hotel and gathered their things and my mom took ms.brittany's things. She said see ya later to her brother and sister and we made our way to my apartment.

"The towels and rags are in the hallway pantry and your room is right here, I'm about to go lie down, make yourself at home." "Ok,thanks."


I'm sound asleep and I hear my door creak, I sit up and it's Makayla. "Can I sleep in here with you, i don't wanna be alone?" "Sure,come on." I scooted over so that she could have enough room but she cuddled next to me, i don't have a issue with that,i feel rather comfortable in her arms, All that matters is that I finally have her here with me.

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