Chapter 8

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I'm pretty sure you know a little bit about makayla's background but here is a more in depth version of it. It all started when makayla decided to come out to her parents. She came out at the age of 13. One day, she sat both her mother and father down and told them she is lesbian. Her mother told her that she loved her regardless and she supports her either way. Her father didn't say much so she thought he was fine with it. When her mother became a nurse, she was never home. 2 months after her mom became a nurse,her father started saying things like,"why did you have to go and be a lesbian?" And "i hate you." She never told her mom because she was felt that it was going to get better. But it didn't,see, when makayla was younger she used to dress more feminine,when she reached the age of 15,she started to dress more comfortably,meaning like a stud. Her father,of course didn't like it,he started beating on her and one day he told her that she needed to be straight and tried to rape her but just in time,his friends knocked on the door. Again,she never told her mom,during the whole time she was going through verbal amd physical abuse,she blamed herself and her mom so she started selfharming. Nobody never noticed until one day one of her dads friends which is also her goddaddy,saw her arm and she broke down and told him everything,he said that he was going to get her help but he never did,she felt alone with noone to talk until she decided that she couldn't take it anymore and she told her mom everything.

Dripping Petals [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora