- CHAPTER 24 -

Depuis le début

I went for my morning wee as usual but as soon as I sat down, I screamed.

Hamish was in there like lightning, panicking at what might have happened. I pointed straight to the dark red patch in my pyjama bottoms and my brother let out a huge sigh, almost collapsing against the door frame.

"What's wrong with me?" I wailed, scared for my life.

"Um, you're growing up...Sweetpea." He replied awkwardly, barely able to look me straight in the eye.

With another sigh he told me to hop in the shower and he'd be back soon with some clean pjs and a pair of pants.

"Right, I'm not quite sure how to explain this, Ollie-," He began, "-But once you reach a certain level of maturity, things in your body start to...change."

"Change how?" I asked, watching in horror as he handed me some folded up loo paper to put in my pants.

"Well, you start to grow hair in places that didn't have hair before -"

"Like on my face?! I don't want a beard like you!" I cried out, rushing my hands to my face in horror.

Hamish burst out laughing, reaching over to kiss me on the top of my head.

"No, Munchkin - under your arms and around your private parts." He replied, chuckling softly. "Your hips will probably also start to get wider and your chest will start to grow out too, but I don't think we have to worry quite yet."

"But what's wrong with me now and why do I have to put loo paper in my underwear?!" I asked incredulously.

"Ah, that. How could I forget?" He sighed. "That is part of what's called your period. You bleed, completely harmlessly, from down there for about a week each month. It's all part of becoming a woman and as much as I don't like the thought of it now, it means that you'll be able to have children in the very distant future." He tried to explain.

I nodded slowly, pretending I'd fully grasped the concept.

"I think I might ask the school nurse for some more information." I smiled, not wanting to make Hamish feel bad.

He sighed in relief, smiling at me with tired eyes.

"Right now though, we need to go and get you something much better than loo paper - do you want to come with me or stay here for a bit?"

"Stay here and snuggle in your bed." I grinned.

My brother grinned back a cheesy grin and went downstairs to get me a hot water bottle.

"I heard this helps." He informed me, placing the bottle on my tummy and wrapping my securely in his duvet. "I'll be back soon." And with a kiss on my cheek he was gone.


I can't believe it. My little sister has started her period. She's turning into a woman! It feels like only yesterday that I was changing her nappy. How time flies.

Pulling in to the car park at quarter to seven in the morning, I wasn't surprised to see little to no cars whatsoever. I jogged into the shop and went straight to the 'sanitary products' aisle and as luck would have it, it was the only aisle with someone else in it. A pretty woman with blonde hair, tied into a low bun was looking through the products, a shopping basket resting gently in the crook of her arm.

I decided to take the leap and ask her to help me. I had no idea what I was doing so I coughed softly behind her so as to get her attention but not to startle her. She turned around and I had the chance to look at her radiant eyes. I could immediately tell she smiled a lot. Small crinkles fanned out in the corners and her cool-toned irises spread so much warmth.

"Hello there, are you alright?" She smiled, looking me directly in the eye.

"Hi, I'm so sorry, but I have quite an awkward request." I began, smiling nervously.

"And how might I be of assistance?" She giggled in response, the crinkles becoming even more prominent around her eyes.

"Well, my little sister just started her period this morning. It's just me and her so I'm not really sure what to do. I'm a little lost really." I confessed, rubbing the back of neck.

Her eyes immediately softened and she placed her shopping bag onto the floor.

"I'm honestly really glad you asked - you sound like a great brother."

"Well - I don't mean to boast or anything." I joked.

"How old is your sister?"

"She's ten."

"Oh wow, early developer then." She remarked, turning to face the shelves.

"Please don't remind me." I groaned, rubbing a hand down my face.

"She won't be your little girl forever."

"I know." I sighed, ending with a smile.

The woman then put a box in my hand.

"Now, down to business. This is a box of pads. She should probably start off with these for the time being; much easier to begin with than tampons, especially at the age of ten." She explained.

"That's really good to know. Thank you. I really appreciate it." I smiled gratefully.

"No worries at all - I know I'd really want the help if I were in your position or even you sister's!"

I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any female friends that know your sister well?" She then asked, "That could possibly help if she had any questions?"

"Ah, not really, I'm afraid." I replied awkwardly.

"Oh well, I can give you my number so you can call me if ever she has any difficult questions, if you'd like?" She suggested.

"That would be amazing!" I could have almost jumped up and down in the middle of the shop.

"My name's Rebecca, by the way."

"Hamish. It's very nice to meet you, Rebecca."

"You too." She smiled brightly, reaching down for her basket. "You can also ring me if you have any questions - girls on their periods are known to be hard to handle for the male species." She laughed, making me laugh along too.

I waited for her by the exit while she payed for her things and that was where I handed over my phone.

"So what brings you shopping so early in the morning?"

"I'm a florist, so I was buying at the flower market earlier this morning and I just stopped off to get a few things for the day."

"Oh wow! The flower market must be awful for anyone with allergies." I joked and she joined in with my laughter, "But in all seriousness, it must be beautiful."

"You're not wrong. I love the market so much. It's such a great way to begin my day." She smiled, "You could come with me tomorrow morning, if you wanted to see for yourself?"


She nodded eagerly, "Of course!"

"Thank you so much. That would be fantastic - where can I find the market and at what time?"

"It's a 4:30 start but I always get there at 4 to help the guys set up - they give me discounts for that,-" she winked, "-And the markets are in the giant blue warehouse on Jagged Edge."

"Oh, I'm not too far away from there - very easy." I replied, happily.

"Perfect, see you tomorrow morning then, Hamish." She chirped and with a quick little wave she was off towards her car at the other end of the car park.

▸ ◂  END OF CHAPTER 24 ▸ ◂

I am so so sorry! I've recently started Uni and I thought I'd have way more time to write but I really don't have any. I'm going to try my best to get some stuff out during term time but I'm not sure. Again I'm so sorry this took ages to get out but it's here now...sorry if it's not worth the wait but the story continues...Thanks for being so patient :)Please comment and vote! Toodles! - 🐝

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