Author Notes

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I know there are a lot of people who don't like what Disney has done to Star Wars. I can understand this being a huge Star Wars Fan myself. However, I don't hate this new trilogy. I think it's fun but I do miss some of the old canon. So I decided to test out an idea I've had in my head for a while now.

1) In THE LEGACY OF THE FORCE one of the Solo children turn to the Dark Side and become Darth Caedus. I wanted to keep that character as a replacement for Kylo Ren. He'll be Jacen Solo, Ben Solo's twin.

2) I'm going to have Ben keep the name Kylo Ren as an alias for his travels. After the fall of the New Jedi Temple, Ben decides to go into hiding from Snoke and his family. He chooses the name Kylo Ren to hide.

3) Ben and Rey develop a friendship and, when Ben realizes Rey's Force Sensitivity, he becomes a kind of teacher for Rey. There will be plenty of Reylo later, but for now they're just friends!

4) At least half of these events happen prior to THE FORCE AWAKENS but we'll definitely jump into that plot too.

5) I OWN NOTHING!!!!! I'm just messing around with a storyline for a fanfiction!

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