C H A P T E R 27 : The Come Up.

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9:00 p.m.

Aug, 8th, 2013

      When I seen the call from Layla I was excited. I was hoping for good news, but when I answered I got the wakeup call of a lifetime. When I heard Nutz voice on the phone my head dropped. “What had I done?” I thought to myself as this nigga yacked on the phone. All I could think about was how I’d just gotten Layla into a war that I knew she couldn’t handle.

    I hopped off the elevator and rushed to our apartment. The door was still open and before entering I pulled my gun. I entered inside. I checked around the place, and then went back to the front door and locked it. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. When I heard her ringtone in the back room, I rushed back there and grabbed it. My heart sank into my stomach as a million thoughts raced through my mind.

“What have I done?” I questioned myself. “I’m sorry ma, I let you down.”

    I don’t know what I would do if my worst fear played out. I had just buried my little brother last thing I wanted to do was bury the love of my life. I put the password into her phone and began to search through her contacts.

    I didn’t want to think of the worst, so I put the thought of maybe she ran away somewhere. I put her phone in my back pocket and rushed back to the front door. I unlocked it and ran out toward the elevator. When the doors opened I ran out the lobby and back to the front. I hopped in the car and drove away.

    Ten minutes later, I pulled up behind Layla’s red charger. I sighed a sign of relief, proud to know my baby girl was smart enough to go somewhere safe. I cut the ignition and got out, and began to walk up toward the house. I knocked on the door, and Tyrone opened up. “Wassup?” he greeted as he opened the door.

“Who is it?” her sweet voice sounded from in the house.

“Darien.” he answered.

“Well let him in,” she demanded.

    He blew his breath and stepped aside. I rushed over to her, and began to examine her over. “You good ma?”

   I starred deep into her eyes and all I could see was hate. “What the hell do you mean am I good?” she began. “No I’m not good De’, I almost got shot.” she reminded me.

“Look baby I know you’re upset-“

“You damn right I’m upset!” she interrupted. “You, Joey, and Nutz been going at this for far too long, you do something about it or I will.” she warned.

“What do you think I’ve been trying to do Lerenda?” I argued. “I’m not bustin’ my ass for nothin’ ma, because of Joey my brother is six feet under.” I reminded her.

“And because of this situation my little cousin is six feet under, not to mention my ass was almost there.” she reminded me. “Being in this shit has made me lose two important people in my life, so don’t talk to me about losing people.” she continued. “And in case you haven’t noticed you lost your damn self in this shit too, and you know what you’re about to lose four more.”

“What the hell you talking about?” I asked. She stood up from the couch and was about to walk up the stairs. “Don’t walk up them stairs.” I warned. “Get over here.”

“I’m not a dog Darien, you can’t control me.” 

“You’re right, but you’re acting like a child, now get over here.” I demanded.

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