3: 1st Mission and the Flame Dragon

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Jensen's POV:

I walk to the assembly area as I thought about what to expect. After all, I was already tired from giving orders and right off the bat, I'm being placed to give MORE orders. Damn, I should pull myself together, I'm being an idiot. I arrive at the assembly area where my team is, all of them except uncle Raiden, and Artemis stiffen up and salute.

Calvin: Attention!

Jensen: *salutes* At ease, everyone. It's not a requirement to do that at all the time.

The team eases up as I continued speaking.

Jensen: I am Captain Jensen Mitsuhide, for those who don't know me, I am a Marauder from PRISM who is assigned to lead you all in this mission. I am still unaware of your true capabilities but I hope you perform well in our missions.

The team stiffens up again as I looked at Calvin,

Calvin: Jensen, we're ready when you are.

Jensen: Then get in the LAVs! I don't have all day!

Everyone(except Raiden and Artemis): YES SIR!

I sighed as everyone enters their LAVs. Calvin approached me as he punches my shoulder in a joking manner.

Charger LAV (just imagine one having a 20mm rotary cannon):

Charger LAV (just imagine one having a 20mm rotary cannon):

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Calvin: Cha-cha, real smooth.

Jensen: Oh, shut the hell up!

Calvin chuckles as we enter the leading LAV, I take the passenger seat while Calvin takes the driver's seat with Gwen and Kelzad on the back. The engines revved up as I gave the order to start moving. The LAVs drove through the base's gate while I looked through the window, watching as we move past the Leonidis walkers and guards. Then, we moved through the dirt road.

Timeskip, Coda Village:

We were in the village after making contact, Gwen was the first to do so. From the looks of it, this place looks like a rural settlement. We couldn't understand a word they spoke until our translator synced up with their language. A little while later, the village accepts us as friends. I discuss with the village elder about this place. Thanks to the translating device, he could understand me and I could understand him without any flaws. After learning more about the village, I asked if I can have a map for this area, the old man pulls out a roll of paper and passes it to me.

A/N: Italics are the native language translated, dialogue by non-natives won't be made into italics.

Village elder: Here *passes scroll*, this is a map of the area. From what I remember, there is a settlement in the Koan forest. If you want to, you can visit the location.

Jensen: I see. Thank you, but we need to go now.

Village elder: You're welcome. I won't mind if you return soon.

Thus, PRISM fought there. (A sci-fi OC X GATE fanfic) [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now