1: Contact at Ginza

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3rd POV

Word has spread quickly about strange men wearing ancient roman armor and creatures from fairy tales attacking the Ginza district. These men, dubbed by the police force as 'Imperials', have killed many civilians in their wake, pillaging shops and homes. This forced the hand the Federation army and their special forces counterpart, PRISM. While the army prepares a strike force to wipe the threat, PRISM sent 2 of their best men who were currently on the planet.

Jensen POV

Me and my partner, Calvin, were on a dropship heading straight for Ginza. According to our superiors, we are the vanguard of the federation army who are still preparing. I look out the window as I wonder, who the hell fights in ancient roman armor?

Jensen: Ancient roman soldiers? Goblins? Wyverns!? What the hell are we gonna fight?

Calvin: Dunno, but from what you said, it sounds like were fighting some fantasy army

Jensen: I... I suppose so, but you know what we need to do.

Jensen and Calvin: *Cocks rifle* Kill them all.

I smirked at Calvin as the dropship lands in an open area of the city. We put on our helmets before opening the doors and jumping out of the shuttle

Dropship Pilot: Good luck you two, just don't die!

The dropship takes off as we look around the area, the place is littered with dead civilians.

Calvin: Those bastards...

Jensen: I know, but we've seen the Nexus do worse.

Calvin: I guess you're right.

We walked through the body littered streets, searching for this "Imperial" army. So far, we couldn't find a single sign of this army until we heard a marching sound. We hid in the alleyway as a legion of 'imperials' pass by, lead by what we assume, was their leader on horseback. 

Jensen: Wow, that's a lot of men.

Calvin: No kidding, that's like what, 5000?

We continued to do watch as the column march past us, waiting for them to past by completely. Once the column passed by, we jumped out and fired our LMGs at the imperials, catching them off-guard. We managed to kill a large chunk of them when our magazines emptied, we quickly reloaded but to our surprise, rather than taking their chances and charge at us, they formed a shield wall and slowly approached us with their leader behind them. 

Jensen: Huh, it looks like they're playing it safe.

Calvin: Shut up and kill them all.

We fired our LMGs again. Even though they had shields, our bullets punched through like it was nothing. We watched as the shield wall fell before switching to our grenade launchers. Using our grenade launchers, we fired multiple explosives at the legion, killing a large portion of their men. The survivors charged at us, which is surprising to me, why would you still attack a guy who just killed a bunch of your friends? Calvin pulls out his LMG as he fires at the charging imperial soldiers, killing them. 

Calvin: Wow, those guys are idiots.

Jensen: Mhm, even after killing a bunch of their friends, they still decided to charge.

We turn around and continued walking, searching for more patrols that we can take down before the federation army arrives.

Timeskip 3rd POV

The imperial army, gathering 10,000 men, are preparing to attack the palace protecting civilians. After proclaiming the city belongs to the empire, they felt unstoppable. The general rode on horseback, inspecting his troops.

Imperial general: *sigh* This place, it feels, unusual.

Imperial soldier: What are you talking about sir, we managed to capture this city for our glorious empire!

Imperial general: I know but, something is off, their army isn't here yet.

The Imperial general was about to give the order to attack when a shadow was cast on the city. The imperial army looks up, to their horror, they saw a massive object above them, the federation has arrived. Dropships fly out of the cruiser, carrying soldiers and androids. Soon, transport ships carrying quad legged weapon platforms (QLWPs) fly out of the ship. The dropships and transports land on the city, releasing their cargo of soldiers, androids, and QLWPs.

The imperial army was caught off guard as federation soldiers clear out the city. Interceptors shootdown wyverns from the sky as the federation cruiser bombards the imperial forces preparing to attack the palace. The bloodshed continues until the imperials decided to retreat, winning the federation the battle. The streets were littered with imperial soldiers while not a single federation soul was lost, it was a crushing victory.

Timeskip, 3 months later, Jensen POV:

The Federation has placed PRISM in charge of invading the "special region", the home of the imperials that attacked Ginza 3 months ago. I've been assigned to command a portion of the forces, due to my experience in combat and my rank of captain. Soldiers provided by the federation army stood in attention as a council member gave a speech.

Councilmember: 3 months ago, men wearing ancient roman armor attacked Ginza, many were killed in the attack but thanks to the federation army and PRISM, we pushed back the imperials. What lies in front of you is the Gate, a structure that allowed the imperials to attack our home. What lies beyond this gate is a "special region", the home of the imperial forces. Under the command of Revan Mitsuhide, I wish you the best of luck in invading this new frontier.

After the council member gave the speech, my father walked in, wearing his combat uniform.

Revan Mitsuhide: I am Commander Revan Mitsuhide of PRISM, a handful of missions scouting the special region has been conducted weeks ago. They all came back safely but we still don't know what's on the other side. My advice is to be ready for a battle once you make it to the special region. We are deploying shortly, so standby.

I watched as tanks, transport vehicles, and mech walkers arrive at the gate as everyone cocks their weapons. The tanks and mech walkers prepare to mobilize as infantry board the troop transports. I board a transport as the steel dome covering the gate opens. The tanks go first, followed by the mechs and transport. Everyone was quiet, anxious about what is waiting on the other side. Finally, we reach the other side of the gate. The tanks and mech walkers set up a perimeter as the transports spread out and stop. The mechs look around when they spot a large force from far out.

Mech pilot: Enemy spotted!

Quickly, I kick the door open as the soldiers with me flow out of the transport. 


The soldiers ran out of their transports as I, the highest-ranking person in the field right now, gave orders.


The infantry began to take positions as the tanks and mechs arm their weapons. 

Jensen: On my mark!

Aiming my LMG at the enemy, everyone aimed their guns as they anticipate my order.

Jensen: OPEN FIRE!

And then, It was a symphony of chaos as the sun rose.

A/N: Finally, this is done. I had to rewrite this so many times because of the fact that I couldn't settle on a good idea. welp, here it is, finally. comment on what you think cuz I wanna know how to improve. A segment of this chapter is inspired by @USTrooper and his Gate x US marine fanfic which I actually liked

Thus, PRISM fought there. (A sci-fi OC X GATE fanfic) [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now