Insecure - Lucio x Reader

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This is not a continuation of the previous Lucio chapter. Hope you all enjoy this one, since it's avtually a bit longer than my last one!

You and Lucio had been together for a few months now, and he had just beem told that he gets a few days off of missions, so he happily took off to find you and tell you the good news. He looked all over the base, your room, your favorite quiet places, the lounge area, and even the kitchen. He had started to get upset because he couldn't find you, and you he decided he would call you instead. He did and waited, and he heard your phone ringing from inside of one of the small storage closets near him. "What the..." He knocked on the door to the one the sound came from and heard nothing so he opened up. He saw you, passed out, looking as if you had been crying for hours. He crouched down and picked you up bridal style after carefully removing you from the closet, and he carried you to his room and laid you on the bed gently sitting at your feet and waiting to wake up. "Oh crap.." He remembered he forgot to grab your phone so he went back to the closet, and he saw Junkrat passing by. "Hey, did she finally leave the storage room? She's been cryin' all day mate, you two doin' alroight?" He asks, his thick Aussi accent sounding worried. Junkrat and Roadhog have been your best friends since you came to work with them as part of Overwatch. "Yeah, but I had to carry her out, she was passed out. And as far as I know, we're perfectly fine, least I hope so. I just got back from a mission and Soldier's office and I was on my way to find her, any idea what's going on with her man?" He asks, and Junkrat nods no. "Sorry mate, she told me she didn't want to talk to anyone but you about it." He shrugs his shoulder and Lucio sighed. "Aight, thanks man, I just hope she's okay..." "Welp, lemme know what's up when you find out, good luck mate." He says and continues down the hall. "Yep, I will." He went back into the room and saw you sitting up on his bed, rubbing your eyes. "Hey, mornin' babygirl. So, what's goin' on that had me finding you passed out in a closet with dried tears on your face?" He gripped one of your cheeks and smiled at you. "I dunno... I just... I realy missed you and I didn't know when you would be back..." You say, and he nods his head. "I can tell when you're not being honest with me, what's wrong YN... Tell me anything you need to babygirl..." He says and pulls you in for a hug, and you let yourself give in and break down again, your head buried in his shoulder and neck area, crying helplessly. "Let it all out baby, that's right..." He let you finish crying and once you were done, you looked up at him and noticed his face looked pained to see you like this. "Wanna talk about it now?" He asks, lifting your chin with a finger and you nod yes. "I know its silly, but ever since you released your new album, theres been so many pretty and more popular girls hitting on you through your social media and stuff... I just... What if you left me for one of those girls who are way prettier than me..." You broke down again and he accidentally let out a small chuckle while pulling you back in for a hug. "No no no no no, I would never leave you babygirl... Especially not just because some girl is more popular... And second of all, there is no such thing as a girl more beautiful than you in my eyes baby, you're my one and only..." He put one hand on your head and on one your back, rubbing your back to try and calm you down. "Don't ever think I would do that to you, okay? I love you..." He smiles and pulls your face back so you can see his eyes while he said it to you. "Promise?" You sniffled and he chuckled again. "I promise you, and I swear on every song I've ever written, and on my entire music career, that I am all yours, as long as you're all mine." He smiles and rests his chin on your head, rocking the two of you in comfort. "No worries, no insecurities, no more, case closed. You are THE perfect girl for me YN, don't ever let anything or anyone let you belueve differently. "You smiled and felt a few tears of joy rolling down your cheeks instead. "And no more tears either your poor skin is gonna have stains from all that salt water." He tickled you and pinned you to the bed as he continued, you basically screeching and laughing to death for him to release you. "Luciooo  stop! Not my sides!" He ignored you and you flinched as he pinched them to mess with you, sending both of you flying off the bed. "I told you not my sides!" You laugh as you fell onto his stomach, and he chuckled and held you onto him in a hug. "God I love you baby..." He stood you both back up and helped you back onto the bed, sitting by you once more before pulling your cheeks into a warm, passionate kiss. "I love you too Lucio... Never leave me..." "I won't. You should stay in here with me tonight baby, I miss you." He smiles and hugs you after releasing from the kiss for air. "But..." "I just want to cuddle and hold onto you, don't worry." He jokes and you nod your head. "Thats good, but That's not what I meant." You laugh and he blushed. "Oh... Heheh.." He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck, and you just smiled and giggled at him. "What if someone comes in here and finds me, or goes to my room and sees in mot there, won't we get in trouble?" You ask, and he laughs. "Nah baby, you kidding me? Commander 76 has some secrets of his own ya' know, I've seen him sneak Mercy in his room multiple times. Trust me, I've got dirt on him and a few others to keep you out of trouble for months." He laughs and you giggle. "Okay then, I'll take your word for it." You laugh and lay down, and he laid down bed tto you as well. "Good, now get over here!" He playfully growled and grapped you by the stomach and pulled your body closer to his, until your back was up against his chest. He kept his arms wrapped around you all night and you two cuddled until you both fell asleep together.

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