Zenyatta - Tall

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It's been a generally calm and relaxing day, and everyone on the team was at the beach enjoying some summer sun. "Yo, YN! Wanna play some volleyball girl?" Lucio yells from the volleyball court. "Oh, no I couldn't, I suck at sports, you know I'm more of a gamer anyways!" You yell back. "Alright, your loss!" He winks and goes back to playing with Pharah and D.VA. Time to go right back to relaxing. You close your eyes and lie back down on the sun chair and sunbathe. "Here YN, these might help keep loud things from disturbing you, everyone knows how much you deserve to relax for once. But they're having fun so I'm happy. Sorry for the interruption YN! Good luck relaxing!" Mei hands you a pair of headphones and then walks off smiling. "Thanks Mei!" You yell back before plugging the headphones to your phone and playing "I'm Not a Vampire" by Falling in Reverse on full blast. Before you knew it you had fallen asleep. You feel a tap on your shoulder, and you snap your eyes open to see a night sky. You try to sit up, but you feel something covering you, and seemingly weighing you down. The jacket Zenyatta told you he would give to you later that day. You giggle happily when you see Zenyatta himself sitting there by you.(in the air of course XD) "Good evening, YN. Did you rest well?" He asks sweetly. "Y-yeah, I suppose I did." You smile, blushing a bit. "YN, what is that word that many humans use to describe how they feel about kittens?" He asks, sounding curious. "Um? Random but okay... Hmm, maybe adorable? That the word you're looking for?" He nods. "Precisely. That is how I seem to want to describe you." You blush even deeper, and you don't know why, but you wanted to hug him so badly. "Zenyatta? Can... Can I hug you?" "Of course, dear YN. Come here." He opens his arms and hugs you. He kisses you on the forehead and you smile a bit. (Guys STFU I don't know okay XD I know he doesn't have lips I know but just accept Zenyatta's metallic kiss okay omfg kill me pls) "YN? You're shivering. Are you cold? We can go inside if you wish." He gestures to the beach house you and the team have all rented out for a vacation over the summer, and you nod. "Sure..." Zenyatta reaches for your hand to help you up. "Thanks Zenny." "Zenny? My name isn't-" "It's a nickname. A shorter way of saying your name. Friends and those who are close to each other use them a lot." Zenyatta tilts his head, and then shrugs shoulders. "Well, YN?" "Yeah?" "Would you allow me to call you 'cute'?" You blush, and then giggle a little bit. "Sure you can call me cute. But for a nickname it would be 'cutie'." You giggle again and Zenyatta stands up on his legs, which makes him feel soooooooooooooo much taller. He bends down and kisses your forehead. "Okay now let's go inside. I actually am cold as hell..." You shiver and Zenyatta chuckles. "Cutie. Take my hand." You take his hand and he WALKS up the stairs with you. (Omg miracle right? He's not doing air-orb-ics! XD Guys... Put me out of my misery... Because aerobics? Orbs? *Extremely fake laugh* ugh just end me please...)
He opens the door for you and you giggle. "Why, thank you kind sir." You curtsey and Zenyatta gives a small laugh. "Holy crap! She's finally awake yo!" Lucio yells, excitedly. "I think you mean holy shit, Zenyatta is tall..." The Soldier himself stares at Zenyatta in awe, seeing him at his actual height for the first time in, well, literally ever. "I know I am tall, but it's troublesome. My head always colliding with ceilings and doorways. Also I prefer to be in my peaceful stance." You giggle as he explained. "Come onnnn Zenny, I want to eat something!" You tightly on his arm and pull him to the kitchen. "Zenny? Get a load of that would ya?" Junkrat laughs and Reaper happily slaps him on the back of the head. "Oi! What in the bloody hell was that for mate?!" "Because you annoy me." Reaper says bluntly. "Children, behave and listen!" Ana points to the kitchen, and everyone shuts up to listen. "Zenny pleeeeease! I can't reach it!" Tracer zips over by the kitchen doorway and takes a picture of you trying to reach a bag of chips from Zenyatta's hand, which is holding them like 2 feet above your reach. "They are so cute!" Tracer rushes back over to the team and shows them the picture. "Awwwwwwww!" A good chunk of them are staring at the picture. "Zenny come on! Gimme the freakin' chips!" You yell aggressively and tackle Zenyatta, causing a crashing sound and you two to fall over. "Oh shit, what was that?" Soldier stands up and runs to the kitchen and Tracer follows, with the camera of course. "We-we're o-okay...  Just tripped..." "She tackled me." Zenyatta says and kisses your forehead, making you blush. "Help me up Zenny.." You playfully growl at him under your breath. "Very well. I am sorry YN. Here's your chips." He hands them over to you. Almost. He reaches them back up and points to his lips. (Once again IDGAF what they are considered they're fucking metal and its just a fanfiction so get over it 😂)
You push him a bit and kiss him. "And this is going on my wall. Thank you." You grab the picture from Tracer's camera and walk up to your room with Zenyatta. "Well, looks like 'Zenny' is getting some tonight yo!" Lucio jokes and slaps his knee.

*Enter Edgy Grandpa Reaper once more*

Reaper slaps Lucio on the back of the head and laughs. "Three things. One, do not talk that way around me again you little shit or I will murder you in your sleep because she is like a daughter to me. Two, Zenyatta probably doesn't even have a dick what the hell is going through your mind... Three, I love my job." "What job?" Lucio snickers. Reaper slaps Lucio again. "That job." He laughs and walks away. Then he comes back. "But I will seriously murder you if you talk about her like that again." Now he turns into a list and leaves, chuckling. "Edgy Grandpa much?" "Yep." Soldier says bluntly, making Lucio and Junkrat glare with a held back laugh. "You're one to talk Mr. White Hair. At least mine's still all black." Reaper appears one final time to roast Soldier and laugh as he disappears again. Soldier grunted and went to his own room and started blaring Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana as everyone else just laughed and started cracking jokes about the 'Edgy Grandpas' for the rest of the night and probably a lot longer than that.

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