Reinhardt - Hero

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You're sitting in the bar, having a drink with the other soldiers, and the team's favourite armoured hero walks in

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You're sitting in the bar, having a drink with the other soldiers, and the team's favourite armoured hero walks in. "Ay! Reinhardt! Our hero, drinks on me!" Johnson, one of the most loyal soldiers in your squad yells. "Cheers to that, my friends!" Reinhardt yells and they all raise their tankards and yell in unison. "YN, my dear friend! A drink on me. Come." He winks at you causing you to blush a bit. "S-sure, why not?" You stand up and walk towards him, and you're met with a heavy hand on your shoulder, but it didn't hurt you at all because he was gentle. "So, what'll it be YN? Not something very strong, because you may not be able to handle alcohol well, my tiny friend!" He laughs, almost as if challenging you. "Was that a challenge? I bet I can hold down just as much as you!" "Alright, you're on YN!" He yells excitedly, earning many of the other soldier's attention. "Oh, would you look at that! Reinhardt's got himself a challenge!" Johnson yells."Go YN!" Another shouts. "Best of luck, shorty!" Another one yells and slams his fist on the table encouragingly. "Does everyone have to mock my size?!" You yell after you chug your first pint down. "Now that's a woman!" One of the other soldiers yells, whistling in that way guys do at a girl they think is hot. "Lenny, you're gonna regret that whistle when I sober up in the morning!" You yell, you've already downed seven pints to yourself. Reinhardt is at nine. "You're doing great YN, but not great enough!" Reinhardt cheers you on and laughs as he finishes his ninth pint of beer and begins his tenth. "Bartender! Two pints of whiskey over here please!" You tell, and Reinhardt looks at you like you're nuts. "Whiskey? Well, someone is a glutton for punishment!" He laughs and slaps your shoulder again, causing you to laugh with him. "Oh ho ho! I'm not gonna back down from a challenge, Reinhardt! I may be tiny as all hell, but I'm no weakling when it comes to drinking especially!" You yell back, and the bartender brings two pints of whiskey with a sigh. He knew you were going to regret it, you did too, but not when. "Cheers friend!" Reinhardt yells and looks you straight in the eyes. "For honor and glory!" You yell and wink, and his smirk turns to a surprised look almost immediately. "Something wrong hero? Too much beer? Don't pass out already, I'm just getting started!" You laugh and grab your pint of whiskey and start to down it, and Reinhardt shakes his head and yells "Hey! No fair starting before me!" You stop chugging for a second to laugh. "You snooze you lose! Literally!" You laugh and he chuckles before chugging his. He finishes his first, and you start to feel as if everything is moving around you. All the alcohol hit you at once, making you extremely lightheaded. "YN!" Reinhardt yells sounding worried.

Reinhardt's POV

"YN!" I yell, worried about YN. I shoot up and reach out to catch her. If she falls any further she'll hit her head! I mentally panic and the other soldiers are now starting to stare after I yelled. "YN..." I whisper as I catch her. Her head is in my lap and my hand on her head. "Someone, go check out a room please. Under my name of course." I look at the group of men and then back at YN. "You little-..." I sigh and chuckle a bit. "I see now..." I move a stray piece of hair from her face. She was only trying to impress me... Johnson runs up to me and hands me a set of keys. "Here, room four hundred and twenty. Bartender said it's free because she could have gotten hurt." I nod and pick up YN. "Go unlock the room." I nod at him, telling him to keep the keys with him, and walk towards the stairs with YN. "Thank you, sir. I'll pay for those drinks as soon as possible." I look at the bartender who's waving his hands in a "no" motion. "We have a policy sir. You don't have to pay. I'm fine as long as the girl is alright, you know hero, you should have stopped her from drinking a whole pint of whiskey..." I nod a bit, showing that I understand his words and to show, thankful for his kindness. "Thank you so much..." I walk up the stairs after Johnson and place YN on the bed in the room. "Thank you Johnson. Go tell the others that I'll stay here with her. I'll be out when she's awake." I nod at him and he nods back. "Alright Reinhardt. Also, you need to know something about her. She has chronic nightmares every night since she came to us, and she wakes up screaming and crying from it every time. Don't panic when she does, it's normal for her." He closes the door gently and walks back to the others. "Sleep well, little YN." I kiss her forehead and sit down by her until she wakes up. 

   ~about an hour later~

Back to your POV

"No! Please! Let him go!" You yell. An image of your little brother, who is only six years old. "Sissy!" He yells, screaming and crying because the foreign soldiers who are attacking your home village had grabbed him roughly. "No! He's only a child!" You yell, and run at the soldier who's holding him. "I'll kill you!" You scream at the top of your lungs as you run towards him. The soldier laughs and bashed his gun into your head once you got close enough, knocking you out. The last thing you hear before everything goes black is "Sissy! No! Please!"

You scream and your eyes are open in an instant, tears streaming down intensely. You look up a bit only to see Reinhardt's shoulder plate. "Hey, shh... It's only a nightmare..." He says soothingly. "Only it wasn't..." You mumble, your voice cracking from the tears. "I know YN... I know... Remember, I was the one who brought you into Overwatch." He smiles and gently grabs your chin and lifts it with two fingers. "I remember... And for that I'm forever in your debt, just like I said that day..." You close your eyes and sigh, taking a deep breath to try and calm down. "So how's your head? You drank quite a lot yesterday little YN." He chuckles and ruffles your hair, making you blush a bit. "Wait, yesterday?" You ask, confused. "Yesterday." Reinhardt repeats. "You literally passed out right after that pint of whiskey... You had me and the entire team worried. Lucky I caught you or you would have hit head..." He frowns, looking away. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry anyone..." You hang your head low once more, only to have it brought back the same way. But this time, you feel lips on yours. You snap your eyes open, shocked, and soon melt into the kiss. "YN?" Reinhardt says your name softly. "Yes Reinhardt?" You look him in the eyes, and notice a light shade of pink on his cheeks. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks, trying not to sound desperate. You tackle him and earn a 'whoaaah!" out of him as you two crash off of the bed. You land awkwardly on top of him, causing you to blush uncontrollably. You try to get off of him but he pulls you back down and your head is once more laying on his chest. "I love you YN. I always have." He whispers gently and kisses your forehead . "Is everything o-" Johnson dashes into the room with three of the other men and they look worried. "Oh... Let's go... Everything's fine here..." Johnson and the men leave the doorway, nearly blushing themselves. "Well, I think they feel awkward." "Don't know why. I feel just fine." Reinhardt whispers into your ear and kisses your cheek. You fall asleep on his chest and he falls asleep with you.

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