Chapter 12

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"Argh!" Joker screamed as he lifted his desk and tossed it aside. "I don't care how long it takes! Find him!" J's henchmen nodded and left, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

It had been a week since Harley was shot. Luckily the man who shot her bearly missed her heart but she lost a lot of blood. With all of the blood loss she had been in a coma and hasn't woken.

The doctors say she will be fine and she'll eventually wake up on her own. This doesn't make J feel any better though. He wanted revenge. He wanted to kill the person who tried to murder the most important person in his life.

He sighs as he heads up to his room. Harley was lying on the bed with medical equipment surrounding her, in a deep slumber. He slightly smiles looking down at her. She looked so peaceful.

"Don't worry baby. I'm gonna find whoever did this to you. They're gonna regret the day they messed with us," he said while lightly stroking her hair.

The next day J was in his office making calls when he heard a knock on the door.

"What?!" He shouted at the door and one of his henchmen walks in.

"Boss, we found him."

A smile slowly creeps across Jokers face as he immediately hangs up the phone.

"Let's go get this fucker!" He laughs as he heads out the door.

The men pull up outside an old large building. Not knowing who was inside or what possible threat they could be, they slowly and quietly sneaked in the back door, guns ready.

They heard someone coming from around the corner. J signals his men to wait. He smacks the man with his gun in the back his head as he walked by.

They crept along the halls til the reached large double doors. J put his head against the door listening. He heard someone speaking Spanish.

He kicked the door in and everyone in the room quickly stood, raising their guns. It was a stand off between J and his men, and the bastard who shot his love and his men.

"It's so nice to see you again!" J laughs holding his gun straight at the man's head.

"Ha, wish I could say the same," the man smirked holding up a gun to J's head as well.

"There's just one thing I want to know before I kill you. Who are you and why did you try to kill the most important thing in my life?" J asks with a smile on his lips but anger in his eyes.

"Because you did the same to me. Remember a little bank you robbed last year? All those guards you killed? Of course you don't. You don't care how many people you kill or how many families you destroy as long as you get what you want, right? My father was one of those guards. He was a good man, he didn't deserve to die, yet you killed him. So here we are. Now, let's put the guns down and settle this like real men," the man said lowering his gun and raising his fists.

"Ha ha ha! You want to fight? Let's fight! Til the death!" Joker laughs loud his voice echoing throughout the room. Men on both sides lower their guns and stand back eager to watch the fight.

They both raise their fists and circle the room waiting to see who makes the first move. The man moves toward J, rasing his right fist to strike his face, but J dodges it and kicks him right in the jaw.

"Ooo that's gotta hurt! I didn't catch your name by the way," J laughs.

"Ricardo," he said while rubbing his jaw. Ricardo makes another shot to J. J is too slow to react and Ricardo punches him right in the nose.

J stumbles back holding his nose, his eyes watery. He feels something wet and looks down to see blood. Rage fills him inside as he runs and tackles him to the ground.

J raises he fist and punches Ricardo right in the eye. He rolls over pushing J down and pinning him on the ground. Ricardo grabs a knife from his pocket and raises it ready to kill Joker.

J lifted his hips making Ricardo fly forward dropping his knife. J stands up, grabs the knife, and slams it directly in the side of his neck. Ricardo's eyes widen as J twists the knife in his neck causing blood to spew. J let's go of the knife and stands back watching Ricardo's lifeless body fall.

J walks out of the room laughing. "Kill them all! Hahaha!" Gunshots were heard as he walked out of building and into his car.

J wore a huge smile the whole way back to his mansion. As he hopped out of his car, the nurse who watches over Harley was frantically running out of the house toward him.

"Mr. J, it's Harley. She..." The nurse said out of breath.

"She what?" J shouted making the nurse cower in fear.

His eyes widened and he spritned to his room without a word. He slammed open the door to find Harley lying in bed, her eyes open.

"Puddin!" Harley tries to get up but is too weak. J races over to her not wanting her to move and make things worse.

"Hey baby," he kissed her on the forehead.

"What happened? Why am I here with all this medical stuff on me? Why am I in so much pain? Why do you have so much blood on you?" She asked more confused than ever.

"Someone tried to kill you. You were in a coma for a week. And this blood? It's his," he smiles down at her happy that she finally woke up.

"Wow that's a lot to process. Why did he want to kill me? Who is he? Did you kill him?" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"We killed his father and he wanted revenge. Vice versa, he tried to kill you and I wanted revenge," he smiled but this time with a wicked grin.

Harley slowly sits up and hugs J. "Thank you Puddin!"

"I've missed you Harley," J pulls back and looks into her eyes. He's wanted nothing more than to be with her, but he knew she wasn't in any condition to do so.

Harley leans into him and kisses him. The electricity surges through their bodies. She opens her mouth giving him permission to explore her with his tongue. She lays back down and he carefully gets on top of her.

He kisses her lips, moving his lips down to her throat. He sends light, soft kisses and nibbles her neck. She moans enjoying how nice it feels when he's not being rough.

He trails his kisses down. He pulls down her top revealing her breasts. He gently squeezes them. He then kisses, licks, and sucks on her nipples. She moans as the feeling sends her insides aflame.

He pulls away and takes off his clothes, then he pulls off her shorts. He hovered over her, slowly sliding his erection inside of her.

"Ahh!" Harley winces in pain from her back. J looks at her in concern.

"Don't stop," she said giving him permission to continue.

He slowly moved his hips back and forth. His whole dick filling her up. He planted a kiss on her lips as he slowly moved inside her. He had never made love before but it actually felt really good. Harley really enjoyed it too. She loved getting fucked, but making love felt amazing.

She slowly moved her hips, matching his rhythm, pushing him deeper inside her. They both moaned as the feeling inside them were both building.

"Harley," J sighed in relief as he reached his peak.

"J," Harley whispered as she also seized around his dick reaching her limit. J looked deep into her eyes.

"Harley...I love you."

She gasped. Her eyes widened and tears began to fall down her cheeks. A huge smile fell upon her face.

"I love you too Puddin!"

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