Chapter 10

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Harley had been training hardcore for a month. J had been out on causing mayhem and robbing places leaving Harley at home. She didn't know enough to be out with the big boys.

"Please Mr. J?! I know I'm ready!" Harley begs as J gets ready to leave again on another heist.

"No Harley you're not ready," he said while turning to leave.

"No! I am ready!" She shouts at him. He slowly turns to her with a angry look on his face. 'Remember be careful around him'

She looks up at him with big puppy dog eyes and pouts her lip, "Please daddy?" she purrs.

He sighs. "Ok fine, but not today. You can come next time."

"Yay! Thank you Mista J!" She squeals in delight as she jumps on J wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him.

"Anything for my baby doll!" He laughs while squeezing her ass. He sets her down and heads out.

For the next couple weeks they had been preparing. They were going to rob a bank. It was a small bank but had a good stash of cash. Perfect for Harley's first robbery. They didn't have cameras only security guards. J and Harley planned on sneaking in and being very quite taking all the cash.

"One noise, and it's all over. So you better be quiet kitten or you'll be in big trouble," J smirked at her in a way that also scared her. She didn't want to mess this up. She was nervous but ready.

When the day finally came she went to get ready. She wore a white shirt that read 'Daddy's lil monster', red and blue short shorts, fishnets, and black and white high heel converse shoes. She put her hair up in pigtails separating the pink the blue, wearing make up putting blue eyeshadow on one eye and pink on the other. She looked like a total badass giving her the confidence to do anything.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? Not sure how I'm going be able to focus with you around," J stands at the door leaned against the frame looking up and down at Harley, lust in his eyes. She blushes and they both laugh as they head out to their first heist together.

J, Harley, and a few of his henchmen rode in a van to the bank. "Remember Harley, just like we practiced. Be quiet." Joker warned her and she nodded.

The arrived and parked in the back alley. J and Harley jumped out both with guns in their hands and grappled to the roof.

"It should be right about... here," J said as he grabbed at Lazer pen from his pocket. "Knicked it from old Batsy" He showed Harley as he carved out part of roof. He drew out a size just big enough for them to fit through.

They both silently dropped through the roof and into the safe. They saw the loads of piles of cash scattered around. Quickly and quietly they started filling the bags with cash. 'This is too easy.' Harley thought as she was loading in the last bag.

J looked over at Harley. She was bent over piling in the money. Her ass looked perfect in those shorts. Ever since she had started training,  her body was even tighter and sexier than ever. He couldn't restist himself.

He slowly walked over to her, pressing his body right up against her ass. He grabbed her hips and pushed himself against her. She smiled feeling his erection. She shot up and turned her head to kiss him grinding against him.

He put his hands on her breasts squeezing them tightly making her lightly moan in his mouth. He put his lips to her ears and whispered, "Be quiet doll or you'll be in a lot of trouble."

He started to kiss and suck on her neck. She loved the feeling but couldn't express it and was sure to be silent. He moved his hand past her belly and down her shorts. He started making slow teasing circular motions on her sweet spot. He moved his hand and slipped 2 fingers inside of her.

She had to fight hard not to make noise as he continued his sensual seduction. He slowly moved his fingers in and out of her. She was getting hot and wet making J even harder. Harley couldn't take it any longer she let out a moan and instantly regreted it. They heard guards coming from around the corner.

"Oh you're in big trouble now pussycat." He growled. "Plan B" he snarled into his walky talkie. She gulped afraid of the consequences she was about to face when they got home.

They picked up the bags of cash ready to make a run for it until the guards came rushing in. "Hey fellas. Mind if make a withdrawal?" Joker laughed as he took out his gun and shot one of the guards in the head. The other guards started to shooting making Harley and J take cover.

J shot two more guards in the head, while Harley shot one in the chest and another in the leg. They heard multiple gun shots from a machine gun and then dead silence. They both peaked over the wall to see J's men standing there over a pile of dead bodies.

"Let's go!" he yelled to everyone. They all scrambled out of the bank and into the van. They heard police sirens in the distance as they drove to the mansion.

"Big trouble!" She heard J laugh in a sinister way that sent chills down her spine. Harley couldn't look at him. She just kept silence while looking down at her fingers.

They arrived outside the mansion. J grabbed Harley and led her up to their bedroom. She had a pit in her stomach afraid of what her punishment was going to be.

They walked inside the room and Harley immediately sat on the bed anxiously awaiting to see her fate.

"Tell me Harley, what happens when a bad girl disobeys her daddy?" he asked smiling. "She gets spanked. I will spank you with my hand five times and with my belt twice. Then I'm going to fuck you in the ass as fast and as hard as I want. Understand?"

"Yes daddy," she replies looking at him innocently.

In an instant, J sat down and grabbed Harley putting her over his knee. Her pulled down her shorts exposing her. He lightly placed his hand on her soft skin, moving his hand around making her squirm.

She felt his hand leave her, then suddenly feeling the strike. She gasped as his hand smacked her. "One," he breathed.

"Two," he planted another smack. 'This isn't so bad. Actually feels good,' she thought as he placed another slap. "Three." He could feel his erection pressing up against her belly.

"Four...Five," the last few strikes made her wet and ready.

Suddenly he stood up and positioned her so that she was bent over the bed. He took off his belt and hit her hard. She screamed out in pain. He drew his belt back and hit her once more. She anticipated it this time but doesn't mean it hurt any less. In fact it hurt more considering she'd already been hit there multiple times.

Her ass was red and he loved it. He unbuttoned his pants and revealed his erection. She'd never done this before not knowing what to expect. She wondered if it would feel good or bad.

"So tight," he moaned as he slowly slipped his length in her ass.

"Ahh!" She screamed out in pain. This doesn't feel good at all but he begged to differ. He grabbed her by the hips and started fucking her hard and fast.

After she started to loosen up it actually felt really good for her. She started to match his rhythm pushing her ass against his dick pushing him further inside her.

"Are you ready to be a good girl now?" He continued to move in and out of her, fucking her hard.

"Yes daddy yes!" She screamed with pleasure.

"Oh fuck Harley!" He cried out as he reached his peak cumming inside her.

"Hmm I'm gonna have to misbehave more often," she smiled and winked.

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