Chapter 8

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They drove for a while before arriving outside of an old large building. She didn't know where they were nor did she care. All that mattered was that she found him and he let her come. 'That means he loves me too. Right?'

They walked inside and up many flights of stairs. When they reached the top she looked around wondering where they were and why he took her here. She looked down over the edge to see large vats of acid. The smell was horrendous. 'Why did he bring me here? Oh...' She remembered in his file reading about how he fell in acid. He wants me to go in the acid and be one with him. 'Can I do this?'

"Question? Would you die for me?" he asked bringing her out of her thoughts.

She looked at him, "Yes."

"That's too easy. Will you...would you live for me. Hmm?"


"Careful. Do not say this oath thoughtlessly," Joker puts his hand with his smile tattoo above her mouth. "Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power," he whispers. "Do you want this?" He brushes his finger upon her bottom lip.

"I do."

"Say it, say it, say it, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty," he whispers.

"Please," she responds bringing a smile to his face.

"Oh God you're so...good."

She turns back again to the acid and he steps back awaiting to see her decision. She turns and looks back to him, she lifts up her arms to her side, and falls back straight down into the vat. She plunges into the searing liquid. Everything is burning. She couldn't see or breath.

Joker looked down watching her sink deeper into the white silk. He turned around to walk away leaving her there. He had finally gotten rid of her. He didn't need nor want her. She was annoying and would only get in the way. But something stopped him. He felt something in his heart. Guilt? Love? No! He does not love her. He doesn't love. It's not in his DNA. Either way he knew he couldn't just leave her. He growled and shook his head. He took off his jacket and jumped in after her.

He dove straight in and grabbed her instantly. He held her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her. She gasped for breath and opened her eyes looking up at her Prince. She grabbed his head and kissed him once again. But this kiss was different. It was enthralling. It was magnetic. It was entrancing. Like a surge of power was moving thoughout her whole body.

They both pulled apart and laughed at the same time. Both of their voices coming together in perfect harmony. In this very moment she felt complete. And the Joker would never admit it but he felt some sort of way he'd never felt before. Happy maybe?

He carried her out of the vat and he set her down on the ground. They cleaned off a bit with some towles they found near by. She had noticed the tips of her hair were pink on one side and blue on the other. Must have been from the acid and color of the clothes. She loved it! She'd never colored her hair before but it looked amazing. He skin was also milky white.

"You look perfect," he smiled loving how she looked. If he thought she was attractive before, it was nothing compared to how she looked now. He was craving her. He had a taste of it in her office and has thought of doing so much more since then. The way he looked at her made her insides churn in the best way. She felt heat and pleasure down inside her.

She couldn't wait to feel his firm hands touch every part of her. In a split second they slammed right into each other their lips locking passionately. The moment they've both waiting weeks for had finally arrived and they weren't holding back.

They had their arms wrapped around each other's bodies. Her hands were in his hair tugging on his green locks making him moan in her mouth. His hands were on her backside slowly sliding down to her ass.

He squeezed and and smacked her ass firmly making her moan. She could feel his erection pressing up against her. They bearly pulled apart to breath. She took off his shirt looking at his beautiful body. He looked like a Greek God, chiseled abs and firm biceps. He truly was a sight to see. "Like what you see baby?" He growled ready to pounce.

She nodded and smiled biting her lip ready for him to ravish her. He ripped off her blouse and bra wanting to see all of her glorious features. He pulled down her pants and underwear wanting her completely naked. He looked back and took in the amazing sight before him. "Absolutely perfect."

He pulled her close to him. He kissed her lips, then moved down to her neck, slowly making his way down, kissing her along the way. He stopped at her breasts. He licked her nipples, lightly kissing them. She tipped her head back moaning. "You like that baby?" He asked starting to suck.

"Yes daddy," she sighed in pleasure. They way he was making her feel was indescribable. But she wanted to pleasure him too. She pulled away from him and he looked down at her in confusion.

She got down on her knees and started to unbutton his pants. She peaked up at him through her lashes and saw him smile making her insides light up. She pulled down his pants and pulled out his massive erection. "Big boy," she said before she inviting him into her mouth.

He let out a big moan as she continued to suck and lick him. He was watching her the whole time entranced and extremely aroused. He didn't want her to stop but he didn't want to come. "Stop baby," he said pulling away from her. He lifted her up and she had a frown on her face. He lifted up her chin with his finger and looked into her eyes, " I want you fuck you."

A huge grin fell upon her face immediately. He lifted her up and slammed her against the wall both of them laughing. He slowly lowered her onto him. He was filling her up in the most delicious way. They both moaned in ectasy.

Once he was inside her he couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't going slow, he was fucking...hard. Pounding her up against the wall as fast as he could go. He watched her tits bounce up and down making him pound her harder. "Yes daddy yes!" she screamed.

Both of them were reaching the limit. They felt their insides reaching their peak. Together they both let their bodies seize up filling with pleasure. He slowed down his pace, both of them grasping for breath.

He looked into her eyes. "Let's go home."

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