Chapter 12 Training Again

Start from the beginning

Steven gave her a grin.

Steven:"I made them"


Steven:"Cause I wanted to"

Soon the group watched as the new tree man meet the first two.

Amethyst:"You know you should give them names like you I did with Oak here"

Oak barks in agreement.

Steven:"You know that's not a bad idea"

Lapis:"I have to agree, plus it would make it easier to call for them separately"

Steven nods before turning to his creations.

Steven:"Alright you seven front and center!"

The seven tree man lined up in order from first made to last made.

Steven:"Alright I'm going to name each of you in order from first made to last understood!"(A/N:They will be named from the first image shown in chapter 8 to the last image up above)

The seven nodded.

Steven:"Alright first one will be named Timber"

Timber nods.

Steven:"Second will be Thresh"

Thresh growls.

Steven:"Third, Sticks"

Sticks gives the finger.

Steven:"Fourth, Ivern"

Ivern gives a thumbs up.

Steven:"Fifth, Spruce"

Fifth groans.

Steven:"Sixth, Hazel"

Hazel waves.

Steven:"And finally seventh, Birchclaw"

Birchclaw laughs.

Steven:"Alright now that that's out the way I want you seven to go patrol the valley for a bit, I'll call one of you if I need anything"

They nod and wonder off, patrolling different areas of the valley.

Amethyst:"Now that you've named them and sent them off what will you do now?"

Steven:"Well I could go back to trying to summon my shield... or try and make this place have a little more green!"

Steven shot his vines into the ground again. The ground shook again before tree after tree started to rise from the ground. The trees themselves were massive, each one towered like a skyscraper. They were taller then Timber, and he's the biggest of the tree man!(A/N:Just imagine a forest with massive trees, small floating islands, and big glowing crystals all over the place)


Amethyst:"Its beautiful..."

Stevens vines retracted from the ground and laid themselves on Stevens body. Steven himself looked a little winded and ready to collapse.

Steven:"Oh man... that took a lot more effort then I thought"

Steven stumbled over to the two before collapsing. Thankfully Lapis and Amethyst were quick to catch him.

Amethyst:"Dude you good?"

Steven:"Not really..."

Lapis:"You should rest for a bit"

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