Chapter 14: Scarred for life

Start from the beginning

I finished the eggs and grabbed my bag to run out theme door but not before giving mom and Dad a kiss on their cheeks.

I ran to my Car and threw my bag into the back seat, I started the engine and I was off to school. I just hoped I wouldn't be late because it'll be embarrassing to have the teacher calk you out in front of the class.

After 6 minutes of Driving I arrived at school with 12 more minutes to spare.

"April!" Avery yelled from the top of the stairs as she saw me Approaching the school.
She ran to me and wrapped her hands around me.

"I called you countless times yesterday but you never picked up." She said letting go of me.

"Oh yeah, about that, Jackson kind of destroyed my phone." I said as we began to walk into the school.

"Well, I have an old phone that i don't use anymore, I can lend it to you till you get a new one." Avery said thoughtfully

"That Will be perfect, thank you Ave." I side teasingly

"Your welcome ape." Avery remarked with a smirk.

I smiled and shook my head. We went to our lockers to grab our books so we can walk to chemistry class together.

We quickly grabbed our Chemistry notes and walked to class and sat down in the empty classroom. The bell went off the moments our butts touched the chair and the class immediately began to fill up.

But my Peace was short lived because Jackson and two of his goons walked into the class, playfully shoving each other.

I kept my eyes down to avoid making eye contact with any of them. From my peripherals I noticed three of them walking to the seats behind Me, April and another nerdy looking boy.

I glanced at him and noticed how tense he got when Jackson took the seat behind him.

Poor guy. It wasn't only him who had become stiff as a board, Avery had also tensed up beside me.

"Good morning class. Take out your text books and open to Page 48. Can anyone stand up and and write The general Gas law on the Board please." The chemistry teacher said taking out a marker.

The nerdy looking guy went up and wrote the formula on the board. "Thank you Steve." The teacher said and collected the marker.

Then he went on to explain stuff on it, stuff that I wasn't paying attention to because the Idiots behind me kept kicking my seat and Throwing paper balls at me.

Avery looked over at me with sympathy then I smiled at his her reassuringly.

The kicking continued of course until I finally had enough, I grabbed my pencil case and aimed it it at Phillip's nose and it was a direct hit.

He groaned in pain when the case had collided with his nose and our little scene didn't Go unnoticed by the teacher because next thing I know, Phillip and I was given detention.

"But sir, it wasn't my fault, they're the one's who kept distracting me." I said almost desperately because the last thing I would want was to be stuck in detention with Phillip.

"I don't want to hear it. Two hours Detention, after school for the both of you." The teacher said glaring at me.

Oh God, WHY!?

After that class, the rest of the school day seemed to go bye pretty quickly when I hoped it would be the opposite and luckily i had not seen Phillip since the incident . It was like the universe decided today would be another day to punish innocent little April and Before i knew it, school was over.

I said goodbye to April and Michael and walked into the chemistry class where a few other students were already seated and I was the only girl, yippie.

"Are you going to come in or stand there looking stupid." I heard Phillip say Angrily. I guess he's Angry about me getting him into detention, well boo freaking hoo, he started it.

I walked in and decided to take the seat close to Phillip. It was like I had a death wish or something.

He glared at me like he wanted to bury me six feet underground.
"Oh Phillip, what happened to your nose, its throbbing. Are you okay." I said In fake concern.

"Shut up and my nose is NOT throbbing." Phillip said angrily crossing his arms and looking straight Ahead.

That made me smirk and encouraged me to keep going, "Its looking a little bruised. Who did this to you." I pushed. This is way too much fun.

"You're getting a kick out of this, aren't you?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Maybe." I shrugged.

"Silence, all of you." I heard Mrs pumpernickel say with authority. I hadn't even noticed when she walked in.

"Out of all the female teachers, we had to get stuck with Mrs pumpernipple." A guy In front mumbled loudly which caused every one to laugh at the name except a very pissed Mrs pumpernickel.

"Three more hours for you. Now SILENCE." Mrs pumpernickel's was getting red in the face with anger.

"Do you live in the school or something because you really have nowhere else to be at five? Because I'm such a good person, should I remind you that you have cats to feed." The guy said with an arrogant smirk etched on his face.

"I'll have you know I'm a happily married woman and I don't have cats." Mrs pumpernickel retorted

"Woah there horsy, we're not going too far into fantasy land." He said with a smirk

"My children go to this school."

"What a sad brag." The guy scoffed

"Tomorrow, you will report to the principal's office understand." Mrs pumpernickel said pointing her fingers at him.

"Sorry, no can do, I have an appointment tomorrow sooo say hi to the principal for me." He said with a bigger smirk.

"Don't you have respect at all." Mrs pumpernickel said with a hand on her waist

"Geez, take a pill lady" Phillip said and the rest of the students began to laugh. I think Mrs pumpernickel finally had enough because she let us all go without having spent 20 minutes in that classroom.

Next chapter soon and don't forget, check out my story : When Two Worlds Collide
Chapter one is up.

See ya, Merry Christmas and a very happy new year🎅🎄

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