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Hello. Sorry for the late update, had to deal with some snakes :)

Days passed quickly. On another normal morning, after eating breakfast and taking my pills, I went to check the mail, like usual. I was surprised when I saw a beautiful envelope, sealed with wax, like in the good old times. It was the UA emblem, which meant only one thing, I got into UA. I sat on the couch, still examining the envelope. I opened it carefully, and it revealed a letter.

Dear (l/n) (y/n),
I'm more than honored to announce that you passed the UA entrance exam with 145 Villain points and 46 Rescue points, placing 1st in the leaderboard. Congratulations!
You were assigned in the 1-A class, with Eraser Head as your head teacher.
Plus Ultra!

Bellow the letter, there was Principal Nezu's signature, and near it, a smiley face.

"So cute..." I mumbled.
Because Midnight wasn't home, and I couldn't tell her the big news, I decided to share them with my friends.

Meme lords


Pika Boy
Spill the tea sis!!!

Tape Dispenser
Yeah! Tell us the  news!


Soft Rock
Oh worm? Me too! I placed third, sadly. You?

I placed first sksksksksksk

Pika Boy
(Y/n), your inner VSCO girl is showing. Btw, me and Sero were accepted too.

Tape Dispenser
That's right. But we didn't get in the top 10 tho...

Cheer up you guys! At least we'll get to see each other more often!

Soft Rock
Yeah, you're right (y/n)! Thank you!

I blushed a bit at Kirishima's sweetness. Suddenly, I heard the entrance door being unlocked.

"Auntie Nemuri?" I popped up my head from behind a wall.

"Oh, good morning darling." She said with a sleepy voice.
Midnight seemed really tired.

"Um, auntie? Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. It's fine." She sighed.

'It's not fine. It feels like she's... lying? Why would she lie to me?' But I gave up the subject.

"Anyway," I said with a cheerful voice, "Guess who got into UA?" I smiled brightly.

"Oh really? Well done (y/n). I'm proud of you." She gave me a forced smile and patted my shoulder.

"I'll get a bit of sleep. Try not to be loud, okay?" She said, heading to her bedroom.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, following her with my eyes, until she closed the door to her room.

'Weird...' I thought. But I was too happy to give much attention to the topic.
I plopped onto the couch in the living room, and opened my social medias.

A few days passed again, and Midnight got more and more secretive. I started questioning her state, but my first day of school was approaching fast.

Have another short one before the action begins ;)

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