Love Is a Devil

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Toni and Ripley walked down the hall towards the Ops center.

"I wanna see Izzy," Ripley stated as she basically dragged Toni along.

"Okay, but you need to slow down."

"No, I wanna see Izzy." She whined.

Toni gently pulled her back, kneeled down to her level, "If she's not in the room with all the big screens we're gonna have to leave without seeing her."

She stomped her foot, "I wanna see Izzy."

Toni let out a long sigh of defeat, "Fine, let's go find her," Toni picked Ripley up, "But I'm going to carry you because we need to hurry."

Relief washed over Toni when she spotted Izzy, that meant Ripley wouldn't have a meltdown. The closer Toni got, she could see the monitor Alec and Izzy were looking at, it showed the angle flying up.

Ripley immediately reached for Izzy, "Izzy!"

She took the child from Toni's arms, "Hi Ripley."

"Oh, is that the angel." Toni said.

Izzy sighed, "It could have been a shooting star."

"Except for the fact they shoot across the sky and not straight up." Toni pointed out.

Alec nodded "Are you saying you don't believe Jace and Clary? I thought you'd be impressed."

"I'm not saying I don't believe them. It's just that no one's seen an angel in hundreds of years." Izzy said and closed the screen.

"It was an angel, I was there." Toni stated.



She shrugged her shoulders, "Sorta, I felt dizzy, closed my eyes. When I opened them I was on some rooftop watching Clary and Jace kill a bunch of Valentine's men. Then they walked over to the angel set him free, he held their hands and looked right at me and showed me a vision."

"What was the vision?" Alec asked.

Toni thought back to last night but couldn't seem to remember, "I don't know, all I remember is that it had something to do with the soul sword."

"What's a soul sword?" Ripley curiously asked.

"It's a very important sword that makes you tell the truth when you touch it." Alec explained.

Izzy sighed, "So... Did you take my advice about Magnus? You did, didn't you? Okay, start talking."

"Yes, please do. We need details." Toni remembered Ripley was present, "Keep it PG, PG-13 max."

"There's nothing to talk about." He denied.

Suddenly rushed footsteps approached them, Toni turned to see Max running, "Hey, you guys."

Alec and Izzy engulfed him in a hug(as did Ripley seeing how she was situated on Izzy's hip.

"Hey, buddy. How are you doing?" Alec said.

Izzy bent down to his level(with Ripley still clinging on, "Max! I missed you so much! You look so handsome. What are you doing here?"

Max's face lit up even more, if it was possible, when he saw Toni. He pushed past his sister and ran right into the blonde.

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