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For Antonella-Rosa Park being anything but perfect wasn't an option. Raised in the public eye, the daughter of former New York senator; Sofia Park, and former New York governor; Joseph Park. Now both high commissioners of the Lebanon embassy. She's always been expected to be nothing less than flawless, and she has. From always being top of her class with impeccable grades every school year to being student council president. She was captain of Model United Nations, debate, tennis, and dance team, even starting a petition to let girls join the baseball team, eventually becoming the captain. Spending four summers in a row building houses in multiple foreign countries.

Even getting accepted into Juilliard but due to her parents telling her she would be throwing her life away and ruining the family image if she followed through with her mediocrity. So she settled for the choice that would make her and her parents happy, the Columbia-Juilliard Program; where she can pursue her dreams while making her parents happy, making them think she was studying for a stable and meaningful career. Their words not her's.

But could her seemingly picture perfect life shatter when she goes to the club to let off some steam.


Olivia Holt As Antonella-Rosa Park

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Olivia Holt
Antonella-Rosa Park

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