Bound by Blood

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Toni walked into the living room, looking for Magnus and Alec, she saw them standing on the terrace having a moment. She approached them and cleared her throat, she hadn't wanted to ruin their moment but she wanted to thank Magnus before leaving.

"Thanks for letting me stay but I'm going to head out."

"Leaving already, cupcake?" Magnus asked.

Toni nodded, "Yeah, Stevie hasn't called since Max's party."

Alec walked over to the blonde, "Is everything okay?"

She sighed, "Probably, I mean we used to go for days without speaking but when I called he usually picked up it called back but not this time, but I'm just being paranoid with this whole Valentine thing, so I'm gonna go check on them."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Alec offered.

Toni shook her head, "No, stay. Like I said I'm being paranoid. I'll see you later."

Once she had made it to the apartment where Ripley resided with Stevie, she knocked and waiting for Stevie to answer, only he didn't. So she waited, thinking he was getting her daughter ready for the day but still no answer so she fished the key from her bag, inserted in the keyhole opening the door.

"Ripley!" She yelled, "Stevie!" She walked in and closed the door behind her  and was met with complete silence, dread flooded her senses as she walked further into the apartment, noticing everything was in its place.

Quickly making her way towards Ripley's room, upon entering, she noticed how the room was impeccable clean. Toys put away, bed made, nothing out of place, she didn't know what to think of it. Stevie could have told Ripley to clean, which is what she chose to tell herself to worry less. She then moved on to Stevie's room, which was a total mess for the manny's standards. Toni instantly knew something was wrong because he wouldn't leave his bed unmade or yesterday's clothes laying around.

Taking a few deep breaths in order calm herself before continuing to look throughout the apartment. She came up to the coat closet, hesitatingly placing her hand on the knob and yanked the door open.

A loud scream escaped her lungs as Stevie's dead body fell out of the closet and onto the floor.

She grabbed her phone, dialing the only person she knows how to deal with this kind of situation.

"I need you to come to the apartment... Ripley's missing."

Toni worriedly paced from one side of the living room to the other when a knock came from the door, quickly walking over and opening it, there stood Luke. She moved aside, letting him in.

"Are you sure Stevie didn't just take Ripley out for ice cream?" Luke asked.

Toni led him over to the closet, "I'm very positive Stevie couldn't take her out for ice cream because he's out of commission," Toni began pacing again, "I mean, I felt that something off about him that night, he wasn't acting like himself. He was all confused and I let her–"

Luke grabbed her shoulders stopping her from rambling, "Everything is going..." he trailed off and smelled the air and recognized a familiar scent. Toni was about to ask what was wrong but was interrupted by Luke's phone going off, "Simon... no I'm at Toni's... oh, okay."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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New World ~Shadowhunters~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें