Major Arcana

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Opening the front door, Toni turned around to yell a goodbye when Stevie emerged from the hallway.

"Leaving so soon," he playfully smirked.

"I'm busy—"

His smirk quickly turned into a frown, "You're always busy and never come by anymore, even when you should."

Toni began to feel guilty, "I know and I feel horrible, everything's been crazy with my mom on my back–Did I mention that I recently found out I'm adopted."

He scrunched his face up in confusion, "What? How? I googled you, it didn't say a thing about you being adopted."

Toni smiled, "Talk about being a stalker, but they've always been powerful people it wouldn't be hard for them to make it seem like they actually had me."

Stevie gasped, "That's why there aren't any pictures of your mom being pregnant."

Toni nodding in agreement, "Yeah, anyway I have to go and I promise I'll stop by more often." She turned and left the apartment.

On her way to the institution, she made a pit stop for coffee and donuts. She arrived at the run down cathedral and looked around before quickly making her way inside. She entered and saw Alec and Izzy standing in the Ops center.

"...Dad finds out that Jace, Toni and Clary are still out doing God knows what." She heard Alec say as she walked over to them.

"Toni's here," she said while holding out a cup of coffee to Alec, "You look like you take your coffee black," she looked over at Izzy and unusual choice of clothing. She completely blanked and continued to stare in disbelief, in the short amount of time she had known the dark haired beauty, she didn't think she would dress modestly.

"I think Dad's used to that by now. This is Jace you're talking about." Izzy said snapping Toni out of her trance like state.

"He said he'd be an hour. It's been three." Alec said concerned.

Izzy has a playful look on her eyes, "You don't think he and Clary are..."

"At a time like this? Not possible." Alec responded, catching onto what Izzy was suggesting.

Alec began to walk off and Toni gave Izzy one last look before following after Alec.

"I feel uncomfortable," Alec looked over at her, confused, "Here I also got you a donut," she handed a bag over to him.


"Izzy is acting weird and she's dressing like your mother."

"She's growing up." He said before taking a sip of the coffee.

"Really, because I didn't know "growing up" meant dress exactly like your mother."

Alec sighed, "I don't know, that's what she said."

"Okay, I'm going to go change, enjoy the donuts." She said before walking own the hall toward her room.

"Thank you!" Alec calls out.

She held a thumbs up before disappearing into her room. She got changed into a white crop top and light pink leggings.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Izzy.

"Knock much." Toni said.

"Sorry, where are you going?"

"I was about to go to school, why?" Toni questioned.

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