How Are Thou Fallen

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Toni and Ripley were walking down to the hall to Izzy's room to check if Alec was with her, they already checked his room but it was empty. They rounded the corner when Toni abruptly stopped, her ears began ringing and it disoriented her but it only lasted for a few seconds.

"Mommy that noise hurt."

"You heard it?" She nodded.

Toni knocked on the wooden door, she waited a few moments and the door opened.

"Hi Ripley, did you have a good nap?"

The little girl nodded, "She's lying, that's why she's cranky. Anyways is Alec here, I need to talk to him."

Izzy shook her head, "I haven't seen him in a while, pretty sure he's still at Magnus'."

"Still. I need to talk to him."

Both the girls phones went off, "Come on, Let's go to the Ops center." Izzy said, "Who's watching Ripley?"

"Me, I'll try to get out of this mission, if I can't either Raphael or Magnus... Hey did you hear that noise earlier." Toni said.

"What noise?"

Toni shook her head, "Never mind." Toni said as they reached the Ops center and went over to the screen and waiting for Alec and Clary.

Finally the two arrive, "What did we miss?" Alec asked as Toni covered Ripley's ears.

Izzy sighed and grabbed her wrist to steady it, "Let's see. The Citadel was breached. Magdalena is dead. Cleophas is missing."

"Oh, my God." Clary said, "Valentine?"

"Who else could it be?" Izzy said agreeing with Clary.

"I don't know I got some sketchy feeling around her." Toni admitted.

They all looked over at her, "You're talking about Cleophas?" Clary asked.

"Yes, she seemed very intrigued with you."

Before they broke out into an argument, Izzy spoke, "Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council. I'll go check with ops."

Before he could leave Toni grabbed hold of his wrist, "Hey, we need to ta–"

She was abruptly yanked by Izzy and basically dragged along, which meant Ripley was too since Toni was holding her hand.

"Izzy. There's something I need to tell you about Sister Cleophas." Clary said making the three of them stop.

"That you told her about your new rune?" Izzy said.

"How did you know I..."

Izzy cut her off, "Does it matter?"

Clary's eyes drifted over to Toni, "You told her?"

"No and yes, that whole pool drawing of heavenly water thing happened before I could tell her. And you're not very discreet, so don't blame me."

"You should know what it feels like when the people you care about shut you out." Toni knew Izzy was getting mad due to the tone of her voice, she hadn't heard her speak like that to anyone.

"Izzy, Jace told me it would be dangerous for anyone who found out." Clary stated.

"Which by the way I disagreed." Toni quickly added.

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