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Watch the leaves change color and feel your heart change with them. This time last year you fell in love, you had your heart broken, you dropped a class, you dropped everything. And a few months later you hit reset. Watch the leaves change color. You dared him to jump off that bench to touch the top of the gazebo, and he tripped and scraped his knee. Watch the leaves change color. You tuck your knees up to your chin and sit in three a.m. silence. You used to go for walks at this time, with him at your side, feeling safe, safe, safe. No one has made you feel safe since then. Watch the leaves change color. Feel your heart change with them. You watched the shadows play and dance  on the side of his face when he wasn't paying attention. Your hands in your sweatshirt pocket. Pretending your own fingers knit together were intertwined with his instead. Watch the leaves change color. He waited for you, leaned against the wall, head tipped back. He watched you when you weren't paying attention. What did he see?

Watch the leaves change color.

Feel your heart change with them.

The time last year you had your heart broken.

Now it is almost, almost healed.

Maybe this time next year

it will be.

bittersweet recollections of your adolescence // 2019 poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now