kid brother

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i'm scared he'll end up just like me

this little guy with a head full of daydreams

he's sadder than i was

when i was nine.

i'd like to say he's stronger than me

and that he'll be fine

but i'm afraid

that i would be lying.

he lashes out with anger and he shouts all the time.

i try to speak gently and comfort him

but what will that do

when i'm the only one trying.

it's not easy to be patient with someone

who doesn't like saying sorry

who play fights like they've got something to prove

who has pride made out of porcelain glass.

it's not easy to be patient with someone

unless you can find yourselves in them.

i'm scared he'll end up just like me.

this little kid who looks up to me.

it's hard to ever feel half deserving

of the way he hugs me and kisses my cheeks

at the end of a long day

where, i admit,

we were fighting.

i know what it's like to have older siblings

who everybody says are perfect

so everyone ignores his accomplishments.

i know what it's like to have a mother 

who doesn't hear you until you scream

and then chastises you angrily

for daring to not be kind and gentle with her

when that's the last thing

she is with him and me.

listen, kid,

i hope you end up better than me. 

i don't mean you need good grades

or to say things kindly.

i mean i hope you realize young

that you are more than your mom

you are more than your dad

you are more than your siblings.

you are m o r e

than me.

i love you

but that doesn't mean

you're forcefully attached to what it means to be me.

listen, kid,

end up better than me.

bittersweet recollections of your adolescence // 2019 poetry collectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum