Meeting Leo

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Sounds of sirens and passing cars filled the streets it was usually calm for you, Work was unexpectedly packed witch meant locking up a little later then usual. You felt the wind brush passed you making your way down the street the lights guiding your way, having your headphones in while humming along to your favorite song. 

As you walked along you started to feel eyes on you brushing it off as your imagination you kept going but at a faster pace, the air felt off with a dark aura all around You start to look over your shoulder every so often but saw no one. 

'this is really freaking me out'

Letting your paranoia take over you start to run home, you hear light foot steps from above looking up you see.

'n-no way . . . NINJAS!'

You saw ninjas dressed in black with red bandannas on there heads with eyes looking like they lit up, something else caught your attention there were bigger shadowed figures running with them they didn't look human to you, you could swear you saw ears on one of them and not just any ears Cat ears.

'why are they following me! I'm Just A HIGH SCHOOL Student With A Shitty job!'

You thought to yourself as you at this point full sprinted home, hearing a thud   behind you as you ran not looking back in fear of what just landed there.

'run don't look back just RUN'

You tried out running the thing behind  but it caught up with you grabbing you with a swooping motion pulling you into the dark alley way, you were being held with a tight grip wincing at the sharp pain on your arms.

"ugh . .".

You let out a little grunt of pain fearing that they would kill you.

"Is this the girl?", you couldn't see who said it but it was with a deep almost raspy voice.

"Yes, she matches the picture perfectly", the man that was holding you said but something was off about them.

"w-hat do. .you want with m-me?", you managed to let out in a small voice.

You looked around seeing the ninjas that were following you all around, the large figures that looked inhuman were coming out of the shadows, you just looked at them with fear clear in your eyes.

'A. . . really big dog . . and'.

you look up to see that the man holding you wasn't a man but a tiger.

"o-oh . .".

A small 'oh' sound was all you could manage to let out at the sight of them.

"Listen little girl, your father owes us for what he did so were taking you as collateral so to speak". The big dog snickered at this.

"m-my dad? I haven't eve-".

"Enough lets get going, shredder will get inpatient", the tiger put me over his shoulder and started jumping on the roof.

Struggling and wiggling your hardest as he carried you to who knows were you suddenly feel a jolting motion followed by a growl from the tiger, you were thrown mid air and falling closing your eyes and preparing yourself to hit the floor, you didn't hit the floor but felt firm strong arms holding you.

'at least I'm not dead . . . another mutant is holding me . . .'

You saw the green arms and slowly look up, it was a turtle with a blue mask and really beautiful eyes.

'wait what! what am I even thinking right now?'

"Are you alright". He asked looking down at you.

"a-ah kinda . . I guess t-thank you".

He looked over to the ninjas and mutants for a second before reaching his belt and grabbing an egg, throwing it on the ground.

"NO! Dang You Turtlesss!". you hear the dog yell.

After you were safely taken to the roof top of your building he set you down.

"thank you . . for everything I-im (y/n)". you extend your hand at him.

He looked a little shocked but shook your hand.

"Leonardo, call me leo."

You smiled at him, after you let go he turned around and started to leave.

"I hope we meet again LEO!". you yell and he gives you a wave.

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