Chapter 11: Drama in Drama Class

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"I don't really know." Mikan sighed.

And right on cue, Natsume Hyuuga entered the classroom, his friends following behind him.

"Speaking of the devil." Hotaru muttered. "I'll catch up with you later, baka." She excused herself and went to her seat.

Mikan once again stared out of the windows. She felt the chair beside her move, but she didn't look at the person who sat on it. She was fully aware that Natsume was right next to her, so close that she didn't even need to reach out just to touch him. But she can't let him see how much his very presence already affects her.

A few minutes passed, and Mikan finally looked at him. He was reading a manga, his legs propped on the table comfortably.

"Natsume." She called. He turned to look at her.

"Thank you...for the other night." She said hesitantly. "I probably would have had a breakdown if you weren't there." She tried to laugh off the nervousness in her voice.

"Hn." Natsume resumed reading his manga. "I didn't really do much anyway."

Mikan looked away from him. She didn't know what to say to him next. There was an awkward silence between them.

During drama class, Narumi was twice as enthusiastic as he normally was.

"My wonderful students, I have a great surprise for all of you! In today's drama class, we will have a special presentation from two of our students!" In his hand were a few sheets of paper, all stapled together. A script.

"Who will be performing Narumi-sensei?" Kaoru Nendo, a student from Class 2-C asked.

"Your question will be answered through this!" Narumi held out a small white box. "Inside are strips of paper that has your names written on it. Mochu, will you please get one?" He gave the box to Mochiage, a student from Class 2-B.

Mochu handed a strip of paper to Narumi.

"Ah, what a wonderful surprise! Our first performer is Mikan Yukihara!" He exclaimed.

"Me?" Mikan shrieked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She hated acting.

"Yes, yes. Now please come to the stage." Narumi gestured towards the platform behind him. Reluctantly, Mikan complied.

"Now, will you please get another one, Wakako?" Narumi handed the box to Wakako, who was sitting next to Mochiage.

She handed the strip of paper to Narumi.

"What a surprise, indeed!" Narumi once again exclaimed. "Our next performer is Eiji Nakamura!"

You've got to be kidding me! Mikan fought the urge to scream out loud. She caught Eiji's eye and he gave a smug smile. The nerve!

"Now, please turn your scripts to page nine." Narumi instructed. "Lights, camera, action!"

"My darling, Isabelle. Why will you not elope with me?" Eiji immediately got into character. He was, after all, a great actor, considering that he'd been playing with her for almost a year.

Isabelle? What the heck? Mikan pondered. Then she saw the title of the play.

The Romantic Tragedy of Isabelle La Rue and Eric Chevalier

An Original Play by Narumi L. Anjo

What was Narumi-sensei thinking?

"My dear sweet Eric, you know we can never be. I am a La Rue while you are a Chevalier. Our families will never accept each other. We must part our ways." Mikan managed to recite most of her lines on time.

"But my darling, will you at least grant me one wish?"

"What is it, my dear?" Mikan forced herself not to laugh out loud. This was absolute ludicrous.

"It is a kiss, I seek."

Mikan gaped at him in shock. She then looked at the script.

Scene 13: Isabelle kisses Eric passionately for one last time.

She looked at Narumi. He was grinning from ear to ear, obviously pleased with himself. Why the heck would he write a play like this?

"A kiss you seek…a kiss I shall give." Mikan managed to speak the words. Eiji was smirking; he was clearly enjoying this. Mikan approached him and wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting so much to strangle the jerk out right.

"I see that you're enjoying this." She whispered between gritted teeth. Eiji continued to look smug.

"I just enjoy seeing others in misery." He grinned mischievously. Mikan was tempted to punch him in the face.

Eiji leaned down to kiss her. Mikan closed her eyes.

Let's get this over with.

But someone suddenly grabbed her waist and steered her away. Mikan immediately opened her eyes and found Natsume Hyuuga standing beside her, an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry to disturb all of you, but frankly, this girl is already taken."

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