Chapter 16: The Revelation

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*Death does kill the human body of the person but not their soul. Pain kills the emotions of the soul but not the human body. But lost of a loved one is killing both the whole body and soul.

Someone took the tape off of Mikan's mouth.

"I never expected the three of you to become best buds." Mikan couldn't help but snort.

Standing in front of her, side by side, were none other than Luna Koizumi, Megumi Shimizu and surprisingly, Mayumi Yoshikawa.

"Not really." Luna grumbled under her breath.

"We're hardly friends at all." Megumi muttered.

"But despite that, the three of us all share one common denominator." Mayumi said.

"And what's that?" Mikan raised an eyebrow.

"We all hate your guts." All three of them said at the same time. Mikan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Well, I understand why Koizumi and Megumi are here, but what I don't get is why you're here Mayumi." She looked at Mayumi questioningly. "You already have Eiji, what else would you possibly want?"

Mayumi gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Have Eiji? You've got to be kidding me!" She laughed hysterically. "Eiji broke up with me because you found out about the two of us. My friends started to avoid me because they didn't want to get on your 'bad side'. And you know what? The drama club also kicked me out because they think that I've 'gone against' you." She said in disgust.

"I see why." Mikan grumbled.

"What did you say?" Mayumi was about to charge after her, but Luna and Megumi pulled her back.

"Calm yourself down, you idiot! You seriously don't want to draw any unwanted attention now, do you?" Luna hissed.

"But—" Mayumi struggled to break free, but the other two tightened their grip on her.

"We'll get back on her back later. Just. Not. Now." Luna said between gritted teeth.

Mayumi finally managed to calm down. Mikan suddenly laughed. The three of them looked at her.

"Come on." She snickered. "What's the point of bringing me here in the first place? After all, what could you guys possibly gain? If it's revenge, well too bad. Because frankly, even if you guys hit me, killed me or even locked me up here for the rest of my life, everyone will find out what you did. Do you guys seriously think that Kazumi Yukihara would actually let you get away after hurting his one and only niece? You three would most probably get expelled from the academy. And if possible, banned. And also, my father will sue all of your families and deprive you of everything that you own. All because of one little incident." She simpered.

"You actually dare threaten us?" Megumi yelled.

"Not really." Mikan muttered. "I'm just stating facts."

"Why you little…" Megumi hit Mikan hard on the head with an iron pipe.

Mikan started to have dark spots in her vision. There was a loud ringing sound in her ears. Her head was bleeding and she was halfway into losing consciousness. Damn. She forgot about Megumi's short-temperedness.

"Stop it, Shimizu!" Luna pulled Megumi back before she had a chance to hit Mikan again. "You seriously don't want to kill her, do you?" She hissed.

"But she went too far!" Megumi protested.

"So? Don't fall for her tricks! She's just intimidating us. If you lose your temper now, we'll be found out soon." Luna yelled.

"But what about you, Koizumi?" Mikan spoke up from behind them. "Even if I'm gone, do you really think that Natsume would actually date you after what you guys did?" She challenged.

"That does it!" Luna's patience finally snapped. She grabbed the pole that Megumi was holding and raised it, ready to hit Mikan straight on the head.

Mikan closed her eyes, preparing herself for the impact. Even if she died now, at least she didn't die a coward.

Natsume, I love you. She instantly thought. She heard something snap, but she didn't feel anything hitting her. She opened her eyes and found Natsume on his knees, clutching his now broken shoulder.

"Natsume-kun!" Luna gasped, dropping the iron pole in shock. She retreated back a few steps. "I'm…so…sorry…" Tears started flowing from her eyes. She, Megumi and Mayumi ran away in fear, before anyone could catch them.

Natsume ignored them and looked at Mikan's shocked face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes full of concern. Somehow, he managed to untie the ropes that bound Mikan's hands and feet. But when Mikan looked at him, there was blood dripping down his arm from his shoulder. She couldn't help but sob.

"What…do you…think…you're…doing?" She said between deep breaths. "Because…of me…your…shoulder is…broken." She sobbed even harder.

"Stupid." Natsume muttered. "Even if I have to risk my life in order to save you, I'd willingly do it." His eyes bored into hers.

"You're the one who's stupid! Why the hell would you even do that?" Mikan was yelling now. "I'm not worth risking your life for!"

Natsume's patience snapped. Mikan didn't have time for an argument or another bickering session. She was barely able to speak. And her head was throbbing like crazy. But Natsume didn't argue with her or insult her. Instead, he did the most unexpected thing Mikan could ever think of in that situation. He kissed her.

Yes, Natsume Hyuuga kissed her.

"Stupid." He said again, as he gently let her go. "Of course I'd risk my life for you. Do I have to spell it out for you to finally understand?"

Mikan was too shocked to speak and Natsume's next words didn't help at all.

"It's because I'm still in love with you."

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