Final Chapter: Forever in His Arms

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*Love is a funny thing really. All things change when you catch the love virus. Hate can turn to love, and enemies can turn into the ones you wish to spend the rest of your life with. It's weird but the weirdest thing can be the most interesting one that can happen in someone's life.

10 years later…

"Attention to all passengers, we have now landed in Japan International Airport. Thank you for joining us. We hope that all of you have enjoyed this flight. Please come again!" The flight attendant announced through the intercom. Mikan immediately sat up straight on her seat.

"Come on baka. We should better hurry up." Hotaru told her.

Mikan immediately grabbed her carry-on item, which was her purse, and followed her best friend out of the plane.

Even after ten years have passed, Hotaru have always stayed by Mikan's side. After graduating from Alice Academy, Hotaru also moved away to America to study abroad. And a few years later, she applied to become Mikan's manager, not that it was necessary. After all, the job would automatically be hers even before she could ask for it.

"It was a pleasure to have you as one of our passengers, Yukihara-san." The chief pilot greeted them as they turned to exit the plane.

Mikan couldn't help but smile.

"The pleasure is all mine." She replied.

After getting their luggage from the baggage claim area, Mikan and Hotaru turned to leave the terminal when a voice spoke up from behind them.

"Mikan! Hotaru! Long time no see!" Sumire ran towards them. Anna and Nonoko were trailing behind her.

Mikan and Hotaru were immediately greeted by bone-crushing hugs from Sumire and the others.

"Guys…can't…breathe…" Mikan managed to say.

Anna, Nonoko and Sumire immediately let the two of them go. Mikan grinned at them.

"I've missed you guys so much!" She exclaimed. The three of them grinned back at her.

"We really missed you too Mikan-chan." Anna smiled.

"Yeah, the last time we saw you was when we were in our second year of high school at Alice Academy." Nonoko added.

Tears started to form in Mikan's eyes as she remembered those happy moments in Alice Academy. Those were the good times and she really missed her friends.

"Come on, don't cry Mikan." Sumire patted her on the back.

"I'm just really happy that I got to see you guys again." Mikan cried. The group shared a hug once again.

"We should hurry up guys, the interview starts in less than an hour." Hotaru reminded them a few minutes later as they exited the terminal.

They loaded Mikan and Hotaru's luggage at the trunk of Sumire's convertible and the five of them immediately got inside. Hotaru sat on the passenger's side of the car with Sumire on the driver's seat, while Mikan, Anna and Nonoko occupied the backseats.

Mikan almost forgot the main reason why they visited Japan in the first place. Well, other than the fact that she wanted to see her friends again of course. Talk with the Stars, one of Japan's most famous television shows, would be broadcasting a live interview with her that night.

"Wow, even though you're a star now Mikan-chan, you haven't changed a bit." Nonoko pointed out.

"Yup, you're still the same Mikan Yukihara that we all know and love." Sumire added.

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