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Rose P.O.V

Hi, I'm Oh Rose. I'm a 27 years old girl and I'm still in college. I'm major in surgery. I've got only 2 years to go and then I'm finished. I'm one of the top students in my major. I've also assisted in a few minor surgeries.
As about my family I have my parents,  who own a restaurant/ hotel and my younger brother who works as a lawyer , he is also is like my best friend because we have only 2 years apart.

At the moment I'm preparing myself for the beginning of the new school year, I start on Monday, which is 5 days away. I'm nervous and way too lazy to start a new year. It means sleeping late , waking up early,  skipping meals , a lot of stress and anxiety. Man this school is way too tiring. But you end up having a good job in the end and it's worth all the hard work and stress you go through. One of my teachers have told us two things that I'll always remember :
1. If you have a hard time at school then when you start working you'll have it easier.
2. Its better to work as something you like and you are passionate about and it's paid less rather then working as something you hate and is paid more.
This has been stuck with me for all this years and I totally agree with them.

Now I just finished all my shopping that I had to do before I officially start, like clothes, bags, notebooks and so on. I drove myself home, which I live near my parents , they are on the opposite side of the road. My brother lives on the same building as me and is the apartment next to mine too. It was my mum's idea, she wanted us to live close to her so she could see us more often and could check us if we are okay or if we need anything,  in a few words,  mums things.

A few turns and I'm home. Suddenly my phone started to ring. I opened it and put it on  speaker mode. You are not allowed to use your phone while you are driving,  safety first kids.
It was my mum, by the way.

Hello the most beautiful mum of all mums! How is my precious mother doing today?

Hello sweetie!

That's it?! I just did all those compliments and all I get is a 'hello sweetie!'?!! Mum you got to step up your game a little bit , thank you.

Hahaha. My beautiful daughter, hello! How is my love doing? Better now?

Yep mah love! A lot better! I'm driving home now by the way. Did you need anything? Should I get back and get you something?

Oh ,no sweetie is all right. But can you come home, me and your father need to talk with you about something.

You are scaring me. Is everything alright? Are you and dad okay?

Yes, yes. Everything is fine don't worry.

Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes. I'll drop off my things first then I'll come.

Okay. I'll see you in a bit sweetie.

Bye mom! Love yah!

Love you too! Bye!

With that we ended our call. My mum is pretty chill you can talk with her like she is your friend and she won't judge. We have a really strong bond together.

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWhere stories live. Discover now