finally found.

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just so you know I'm not shipping lance and clay, it's just that clay worries about his team a lot in this story and thinks lance is actually going insane.)

Zane and echo both some up at the same time, both of them looked extremely confused,they where both still on the bench, " what was that ? " echo asked, " I do not know. But the third child was there, I think we just had a connected vision. " zane said,  "that means Lester is here ! Maybe he's close." Echo said, before zane could respond the door opened and Lloyd came in, with his new friend jestro. " hey guys ! Glad we found you guys. " Lloyd said, zane got up from the bench followed by echo and walked over to their friends. " hello Lloyd it is good to see you, and you must be jestro , it is nice to meet you in person. " zane said " hi, nice to meet ya too. " jestro said, " have you found that Lester kid ? " Lloyd asked, " no, but I be live we all just had a connected vision. I be live he may be close by. " zane explained, " well, let's get looking, you wanna join us jestro ? " Lloyd asked, "sure, not like I got anything ta do, and I already helped this far. " jestro said, " then it's settled, the four of us will search for Lester . " echo said with a smile, " let's go, it's getting dark but we can search until sunset at least. " zane said. And with that, the ninja, the nindroid, and the jester, left to search.

Meanwhile with the Nexo knights.)

" are you sure it's a good idea ? You've been fainting a lot lately. " clay said, " I'll be fine I can still walk. And usually it's one dream thing led day. I'm just going to walk around a bit, it might help with whatever's been going on. " lance said, " well, you should bring someone with you just in case. " clay said, " ok fine you come along if your going to be so paranoid. " lance said, " ok fine. " clay said, lance told merlok what they where doing and the two walked out of the fortrex.

  " why are you so worried about me anyway ? " lance asked, "your a member of the team, it's my job to make sure everyone on the team is alright, that and you seem to be going crazy. There is no way those dreams are real." Clay responded, " clay I'm not going insane, I just don't exactly know what's going on. " lance said, " you know you sound crazy right now right ? " clay asked, " clay stop. I'm perfectly fine. " lance said, " says the guy who keeps fainting and flipping out. " clay retorted, " ha ha, every gray knight. " lance said, referring to the time clay has been a stone jerk, " ookeeey let's just stop the conversation here. " clay said, not wanting to talk about THAT.

" I hear something, I think someone's out here, " a voice said from behind a nearby cluster of trees and bushes, " that actually kinda sounded like clay, wonder if he got tired of the training room, " he heard jestro joking. " huh ? " clay said, " what is it now ? " lance asked, "I heard jestro. And someone else." Clay said, " huh, well let's check it out . " lance said, as lance and clay walked closer to the small cluster of trees and bushes they saw jestro and someone wearing either a ninja costume or a pair of pajamas pushing through one of the bushes, " oh, it was jestro. " clay said, " oh, it actually was clay. " jestro said, " hello jestro, what's going on here ? " lance asked, " oh I'm helping out my new bud Lloyd. " jestro said, before anyone could ask anything more zane and echo walked out from behind the bushes.

Zane looked at a man with platinum blond hair, he was wearing knights armor and looked bewildered. " brother ? " zane asked after taking a look at the man he had seen in his dream. " wh, hold on what ? " clay asked in confusion as two strange looking robots starred at lance, lance seemed to be giving them the same look, jestro looked confused, the guy in green also looked confused.

" you. You are real. " lance said, " your are here. " echo said, the three of them stepped closer and closer to each other zane reached out his hand and put it on lance's shoulder, without warning lance hugged zane and echo, echo immediately hugged back while zane looked surprised first, " I knew you where real. I knew it. " lance mumbled, the three brothers hugged each other for a bit before letting go.

" wait wait wait. You guys where lookin for lance !? I thought you where lookin for someone named Lester. " jestro said, " zane's visions usually aren't wrong, after all he does have the sixth sense. Anne who knows what happened to Lester after he fell through the n
Portal. "  Lloyd said, " wait so lance wasn't lying when he said he was thrown through a portal before he was adopted ? He wasn't blabbering nonsense !? " clay asked, " he's had those visions too ? Huh. I thought it was only zane and echo. " Lloyd said, " ok this is all pretty nuts. " clay said, " I told you I wasn't crazy. " lance said as he walked over to clay baped him on the shoulder. " well your not a liar. " clay said, not knowing how else to respond.

" well the sun is setting, we should probably get back to the fortrex, you guys wanna stay the night ? " clay asked, " sure, I'm sure sensei wu won't be too mad if we stay for a little bit. " Lloyd said, " I don't know who 'an' is but I don't think merlok will mind you guys staying. " clay said. " it is so great to finally meet you brother, " zane was saying to lance, "it's a pleasure to meet you too ! For the longest time I never even knew you guys existed." Lance said, " I didn't even know Zane and I where humans before back when we where all separated . " echo said, " wait how did you two become robots anyway ? " lance asked, " oh uhh, well. We both died shortly after you where lost. Than we forgot all about our human lives until recently. " zane explained " oh, man that's actually pretty sad. " lance said, " guys come on were heading to the fortrex for the night ! " jestro called, " woops, coming ! " lance said as the three brothers ran to catch up with the others.

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