all in the same realm. but not the same location.

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Clay decided to let lance sleep in today, mainly because he had no idea what to do, "man lance has been having an oober had time ever sense those dreams started, ya think he's sick or something ?" Aaron asked, " I honestly have no idea, I don't think any of us have ever seen lance like this. " clay admitted, " even back when we where all kids he never passed out like that. " axl said, " well according to merlok the dreams may be true, what if lance really does have two brothers ? " Macy asked, " I seriously have no idea if he's having random memory dreams of it he's just going crazy. " clay said " well I guess we'll have to wait for him to wake up before we can really do anything. " Macy said, " well we can do something in the fortrex, I do NOT want to do nothing, that's just a big NO " aaron said, " ok Mr 'I fear nothing'" Macy joked, gaining an annoyed look from aaron.

Meanwhile with lloyd,)

" what are you doin here ? Wait a second who are you ? " a man wearing some kinda weird clown costume asked, looking at lloyd, clearly confused, " uh, my name is Lloyd, who are you ? " Lloyd asked, "oh my name is jestro, jestro the jester, how did you not know that ? You from another kingdom of something ?" Jestro asked, " actually I'm from another realm, I'm from ninjago, " Lloyd explained , " you know, that should surprise me.. But I've been through a lot of weird stuff so I'm just gonna go with it, welcome to knighton lloyd. " jestro said, walking closer and holding out his hand, Lloyd shook it, " thanks jestro, but I think I should go find my friends, the three of us weren't supposed to get separated but we couldn't control exactly where the portal threw us. " Lloyd said with a bit of a laugh, " hay maybe I can help ya ! After all I've been pretty much everywhere in knighton, " jestro said, "that would actually be really helpful, thanks." Lloyd said, " don't mention it, I kinda need somethin ta do that I won't skrew up at anyway, " jestro said, " well, let's go, where to first? " Lloyd asked, " I'm thinkin super rich and happy vill, ( I have it where they got their money back there, ) that place is inn the middle of nowhere, probably the standard place to get lost by, " jestro said, " ok, lead the way, " Lloyd said, and with that the jester and the ninja where off.

Meanwhile again ! With zane and echo.)

Zane and echo where lost somewhere in a forest, with no idea where they where going. "Where do you think Lloyd landed ?" Echo asked his older brother, " I do not know, I suggest we find the nearest town and hope he finds us, after all we know nothing about this realm other than our brother is here" zane said, " I hear something ! " echo said, sounding scared as he clung to his older brothers arm, " it was probably just one of the animals , they probably won't go after us sense we no longer have human body's, " zane reassured his brother, " it was strange, seeing myself, why do you think father kept those? " echo asked, " perhaps he couldn't bare to part with us, even after our deaths, maybe his original plan was to put us back in our original body's. " zane said, " oh, " echo said, clinging tighter to zane's arm, echo had never been in a forest before, and it scared him, everything around him was so new, " brother you do not need to fear, we will be ok, besides I'm an elemental master, no harm will come to you while I am here. " zane said as he stopped walking and hugged echo, " now let's keep going, I don't want you to have to rewind in this forest, " zane said, ( echo automatically winds up by sleeping, zane also charges via sleeping) echo nodded, " thank you brother, " echo said, holding his brothers hand, now feeling less afraid. Mentally echo was still 5 so he still acted like one, and zane wished to make up for lost time.

( I have finally updated the story !! This caption won't make sense once the story is done but for those of you at this time I am apologizing for starting so many stories and taking so long to finish the ones people like, I've just had a lot going on sense I have apparently been voted the family therapist, and I have been super stressed sense I carry everyone's issues now. So sorry if updates are late.)

Lost brothers. ( ninjago , Nexo knights ,)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora