Another dream. Or a memory.

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The family other than echo where all in the work room, working on an invention that should make teleportation possible, echo was sleeping in his crib.

Zane and Dr Julian where hard at work while Annabel was watching and playing with lester, who wanted to help, but sense he was only 2 he couldn't do much. " zane hand me the screw dri- no no no no no ! Oh no it's falling apart ! " Julian shouted as he attempted to hold it together, zane ran up with a screw and the screwdriver and tried to help his dad hold some of the parts up, " quick ! Put the sides in and it should hold it in place. " zane said, the two boys held the parts and attached them, finally it was solid enough to not fall apart, Annabel laughed at her husband and son as she played with the middle child. 

The family spoke and laughed, having a good time, every once and a while Annabel would leave the room to check on her youngest son, than she would come back to the room and keep playing with lester, meanwhile zane was happy learning how to build some things and help his dad, they had made two frames and where now working on the wiring to try and make a way for the portal to allow someone to walk through one and come out the other.

the day seemed perfect, everyone was happy and having fun, the invention was coming along well, the conversation was nice, and the family just loved to spend time together like this, it seemed that nothing could possibly go wrong, " Ok zane now we just need to wire the buttons and see if they work. " Julian said, zane nodded and got to work, " this will be our greatest invention yet ! " zane said happily, " impossible, our best inventions where you and your brothers " Julian joked as he winked at his wife, " you sure where, I don't know what we would do without you boys, " she said with a soft smile, Lester hugging her arm. Annabel ruffled his hair playfully as the little boy giggled, zane giggled a little too, he loved seeing his little brother happy, he was just so adorable. 

Zane finished wiring his end of the portal a few minutes after his father finished his, the two couldn't wait to see if it worked, " hey Lester ? Would you like to do the honors ? " Julian asked, Lester nodded and said " yes ! " as Annabel picked him up and carried him, allowing him to press the button, but no one could've predicted what was to happen next.

Instead of creating two portals one vortex appeared, Annabel backed up, holding Lester closer, "anna ! Run !" Julian yelled, he and zane also backing away. The vortex began to summon a strong wind, threatening to suck the family in, hair flowing in the wind Annabel knew she couldn't escape the vacuum, she gave her husband and son a sad look, trying to run, but unable to, slowly giving up, " take care of echo ok ? " she said before she and Lester where sucked in, Annabel managing to turn off the device before she and lester where gone, possibly never to be seen again. 

 Echo could be heard crying in the other room as zane started to cry and Dr Julian fell to his knees, the day had been such a good one, but now, Julian and zane had lost two of the people they cared about most.

Lost brothers. ( ninjago , Nexo knights ,)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora