getting close,

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With the Nexo knights)

Lance woke up around 9:00, and was surprised that clay had let him sleep in, but hay, at least he had none of those dreams, it was relieving yet scary.

Lance got out of bed and got ready for the day, " man that missing tooth kinda throws everything off. " lance remarked, looking at himself in the mirror, " I wonder where the others are. " he said to himself, ' their probably in the training room like usual. ' lance thought as he left the room to find the other knights.

Unlike lance had thought the others weren't in the training room, they also weren't in the mane room, apparently they where in the break room. " hey guys, " lance said, the others seemed to jump a bit as their conversation stopped, " oh, morning lance, you doing any better ? " clay asked, " yeah I'm fine, I just took things a little to hard yesterday, I'm still the same lance as before. " lance said, " did you have another weird dream thingy ? " aaron asked, " surprisingly no, I didn't see anything, I don't know if I should be happy or worried about it. " lance admitted, " huh, well it's good to know your ok, you actually had us worried, " clay said, " psh, I doubt anything bad would've happened to me, " lance said with a grin, the gap in his teeth looking slightly goofy, " yep, lance is back. " axl said, "welcome back buddy," macy said, now, lance was acting like he was fine, but on the inside he felt like something would happen, but he tried to act as natural as he possibility could.

Meanwhile with lloyd and jestro, )

" and so I had to defeat the overlord and my dad, lucky when I defeated the overlord my dad turned into a normal guy, he's evil again now though. " Lloyd was saying, " wait so when you where evil when you where a kid and released a bunch of evil snakes, than you became one of the best hero's in your realm ? That's way better than my backstory ! " jestro said, ( he already told Lloyd his story) " hey at least your not evil anymore, and hay, you may have been good at being bad, but you might be even better at being good, you just have to try, you don't need to be a knight or a ninja or even a samurai ! to be the hero, sometimes you just have to help where you can, kinda like now. " Lloyd said, " hmm, that's actually a pretty good point, " jestro said, thinking about what Lloyd had just said.

" oh hey, we're getting close to super rich and happy vill, " jestro said, pointing to a small yet cool looking town, " this place used to be called nothing vill, but after one of the nexo knights turned to an evil stone monster and some rich guy came along they found out there was gold here, so now it's rich, they still eat tumble weeds here though. " jestro said, "wait a second, they EAT tumble weeds ?" Lloyd asked, " yep, they love em here, " jestro said, "welp, let's start looking around," Lloyd said. And with that they started the search for echo and zane.

Meanwhile again with zane and echo.)

Zane noticed that echo was slowing down a bit, and was acting a bit strange, " are you winding down echo ? " zane asked, echo nodded, looking tired, " here, climb on my back and I can carry you while you rewind. " zane said, crouching down so echo could climb on his back, echo did as he was told, hugging his brothers head as he wound down to the point of falling asleep, " don't worry echo, it will be ok. " zane reassured, holding his brothers legs tight so he wouldn't fall.

It took a bit but eventually zane came across a small town, he got several strange looks from the villagers though, echo was still asleep and winding up, so he was still carrying echo, " I wonder if there is a hotel or something we can stay at. " zane said to himself, he could hear people's confusion, ' guess they don't have nindroids in this realm.' Zane thought as he looked for some sort of inn or hotel, eventually zane did find an inn, " I hope they accept money from ninjago, whatever currency they use here. " zane said to himself, the inn was open so he opened the door and walked in, ducking so he wouldn't hit his brother's head.

The man at the counter looked confused by what he was seeing, the man was a normal size, he had a black Mohawk, and a weird tooth that was sticking out, the women next to him looked equally confused, she wore a purple dress and had braided black hair, she also had the weird tooth thing, zane noticed a small bench and placed down his little brother, " uhh, hello there, how much does a night here cost ? " zane asked, " one night is 11 gold, " the man replied, zane dug in his pockets, " uhh, oh shoot did I forget ? " zane mumbled looking to see if he had any money with him, " oh dear, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I seem to not have any money with me, " zane said apologetically, " oh it's ok, by the way what model of squire bot are you and him over there ? I've never seen robots like you before, " the women asked, " oh my brother and I are not squire bots, we're not from around here, we're nindroids. " zane explained, " well that would explain why I've never seen robots like you before, " the women said.

" I am sorry if I waisted your time, but may I at least stay in the lobby until my brother rewinds ? He ran down while we where lost in the forest nearby and he takes a while to rewind. " zane said, " sure, just don't cause any issues. " the man said, " thank you sr, we will not be a bother, " zane reassured before going to the small bench to sit next to his sleeping brother.

Lost brothers. ( ninjago , Nexo knights ,)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant