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C H A P T E R  S I X│ E Y E S

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September 4, 2019

     I N  A  B O O K My mother used to read to me about her nymphet kind, explained how the little nature fairy's relished in this feeling of being alone it made them stronger and more able to do anything

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I N A B O O K My mother used to read to me about her nymphet kind, explained how the little nature fairy's relished in this feeling of being alone it made them stronger and more able to do anything.

 Their small size and docile features made them look submissive to the world and in need of help from others, but it says once you have mastered being alone, you are ready for the company of others, that doesn't make it easy though.

When everyone's life journey separated from my own, when the only heart beating in this house belonged to me, it wasn't something I could take. For there are days when my heart becomes a cold fire, yet not hot enough to keep me warm from the cold that belted at the small cabin. Perhaps this was panic. Panic for the unknown of when I was going to be granted affection or any kind of connection, so it be, Ambrosious or any species with a mouth.

but I'm alone, who am I going to call? I guess the good news is that in time, after many unpleasant days, I will find happiness in solitude. Then I could possibly find joy again, or maybe it could find me. After that, my journey can change, take on new and exciting adventures... I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the loneliness disappear, but there are some things in this cold cruel world that not even magic could fix.

I strained the fabric of the blanket onto my body trying to keep my own body heat in, but succubus didn't produce much heat, ironic after being forged in purgatory you'd think we would light up like a candle in the cold.

Waves of numbing chills coursed through my blood, a bitter sweat glistened my gaunt features. The signs of the cold starting to get to me. My eyes sunken and skin sallow, everything ached, everything sagged. The glass of water stared at me from the bedside table, mocking me

My throat ached to be cleansed with the cool glass of water, but it would be a threat to my own body to unravel the thick wole from around me.

It had been like this for three excruciatingly long days, I bundled in the bed starring at the glass of water as if it would float over to me. It would be nice to be a witch in moments like this.

 It would be nice to be a witch in moments like this

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