Chapter 7: New Ride

Depuis le début

"Careful Ney, new car here!" I joked putting down the window.

"Sorry!" he said sarcastically, "Nice car though!"

"Thank you!" I replied politely.

 "You didn't take very long visiting your friend!" I stated.

"No, you just took a really long time outside!" he said telling me the truth.

I looked at my watch.

"You're right!" I said surprised.

"So where are you heading?" he asked.

"No where really.... why?" I questioned.

"I just thought... we could maybe hangout?" he asked fidgeting.

We didn't hang out much but we talked.

"Sure! You, me and our friends can all hangout at the beach if that works?" I offered.

"Okay, i'll call them!" he smiled.

"So, i'll meet you, and your friend's at Grande Beach okay?" I smiled back.

"Okay, bye!" he waved.

"Bye!" I pulled out of the parking lot.

Neymar's P.O.V

I called Leo, Gerard and Marc and told them to meet at Grande Beach. Turns out they were just about to tell me to come aswell. They were already there. Anto and Shakira were there too. I texted Vanessa and told her.

Text Conversation:

Me: Hey! leo,gerard & marc r coming & so r anto & shakira

Ness: K :)

Just then Rafaella texted me.

Text Conversation:

Rafa: Hey Ney where r u?

Me: I just arrived @ Grande Beach

Rafa: Can I meet u there?

Me: Sure, me, Leo, Anto, Gerard, Shakira, Vanessa and her friends r going 2 b here too :)

Rafa: I heard u like Vanessa! :) <3

Me: As a topic

Rafa: You talk about her 24/7 er

Me: c u soon....

Rafa: Uh huh, ;) I knew u liked her

Me: Again as a friend which u probably won't believe

Rafa: Anyways, can I bring someone? Btw i'm close by

 Me: Sure who?

Rafa: A friend :)

Me: Ooh so secretive c u 

Rafa: Lol c u  

I went back to texting Vanessa.

Text Conversation:

Me: Can my sis Rafa bring her friend 2?

Ness: Of course! I can't wait 2 meet new peeps! :)

Me: R u on ur way?

Ness: Yeah, Lena's just finishing up then we'll b there

Me: Ok c u ;)

Ness: K

 I turned off my phone and joined the others, and shortly caught a glimpse of Rafaella with someone in the distance coming towards us.

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