And this is why Jaxon West is my best, best friend. We were like kindred spirits. When my voice failed my thoughts, Jaxon became the mouthpiece and he was ever so gentle.

"That's enough of you, Jaxon. I won't have you come into my home, defile it with your disease and berate my daughter." Vince suddenly thundered, and it made me angered. The 'disease' he spoke of was Jaxon's sexual orientation. How befitting that before Jaxon turned sixteen and publicly claimed Bentley as his mate, he was the perfect model of dominant superiority with a promising future in Black Rock.

"And you, brat," he continued to spit fire, stomping toward me, "have you no shame? No decency? You're to be the next fourth-in-command, not some bottom bitch. Instead you run around ruining my daughter's happiness while shrouding my name and rank in shame! Gods forbid it I ever leave my rank to a fucking homo!"

Hold up! Is he serious? Where I shove it or take it has nothing to do with my responsibility as fourth-in-command. And his daughter's happiness? What about other people's happiness?

It's okay for her to ruin someone's life and relationship but if it happens to her, it's the greatest sin in history.

Give me a fucking break!

A humorless chuckle suddenly ripped from my throat. "You're doing the shame yourself, dude. Acting like a petulant bastard-"

My head snapped to the side and my cheek stung, a dull throb reverberating through the left side of my skull. Bentley gasped sharply beside me as Jaxon pulled him to safety. Vince pointed a finger in my face, his expression uglily twisted in fury.

"Watch whom you speak to, vermin! And you stay away from your next beta." he warned firmly.

He didn't need to tell me twice.

Without another word, disregarding Jaxon and Bentley hurrying after me as best they could, I left home and made my way to town. Walking of course, since it seemed that the more time I had, the more I could vent and indulge the pent up frustration.

My aimless wandering eventually came to a halt at the sound of a familiar, friendly voice hailing me out in the street. And sure enough, looking in the general direction, my gaze landed on a friendly face.

Zain Walker.

He sported a huge grin, amber colored eyes lighting up as he waved me over. He stood in front of a pizza outlet, the best in our little hometown. I returned his gesture and carefully made my way over, tucking my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

"So, Lost Seeker? What brings you wandering to this side of town and into my pathway?" Zain queried playfully. I couldn't help but laugh each time he said something along those lines. It was unfitting of him, and just didn't seem like something a person whom looked like him, would say.

"Let's grab a pizza. I'm hungry and you can tell me all about it."

Whenever around Zain, I felt torn two ways, glad that someone was willing to listen to how I felt, but strange because he harbored feelings for me. It was the main reason he hung around me that much and always seemed interested in anything to do with me.

We ordered a pizza, splitting it, one half decorated with his preferred toppings and the other with mine.

It bothered me. The whole situation I'd found myself; torn between loving Chester and hating him. Because the mate bond said we were fated together, I was determined to make it work, even if all he did was hurt me.

And now that he crossed the line by pursuing my sister...

I felt helpless. Trapped. I didn't know what to do and these godforsaken feelings just wouldn't go away. How I prayed and wished that one morning I'd wake up, go out, lay eyes on Chester and feel absolutely nothing.

Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now