Jade: Neptune, you will pay for calling Spider-Girl bad looking!

Neptune gets up into a crouch until he was forced to his feet by Scarlet.

Jade: you are not a part of this equation! BEGONE...

Jade teleports behind Scarlet and shot a web line to his foot. He pulled it and kicked Neptune back.

He starts spins Scarlet around.

Jade: THOT!

He full force throws Scarlet out the arena and Neptune just watched with a blank expression.

Over with Ruby who's been effortlessly dodging the attacks from Sage and Sun.

Ruby: you can do better than that!

She dodged a downwards strike from Sage and slides through his legs making Sun hit Sage in the stomach with his weapon.

Ruby jumped on his shoulders and stuck two weblines onto Sage's shoulders. Sun tries to hit her off but her spider arms block all the attacks. They keep defending her until she jumped off Sage's shoulders and slide through his legs then pulled the webs. He hits a front flip but lands on his back as Sun gets stabbed four times by all four spider arms.

Ruby spins around and throws Sage into the air.

She web zipped to him with punched him in the face then jumped off his body. She shoots two web lines to his body and spins around throwing him back to the ground. His body slamming into the ground makes a crater and Ruby lands next to him and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out.

Sun: this just ain't fair!

Ruby: deal with it.

She said in a smug tone as she ran at him.

Over with Jade who had Neptune all wrapped up and laying on the ground helpless.

Jade: so, you called my partner, "bad looking." Do you know how great of an offense you have committed?

Neptune: uhh... no....

Jade slowly rolls Neptune over to the water and Neptune was just staring at it with a terrified look.

Neptune: please-

He was gonna beg until Jade just pushed him in and Neptune screams like he just got set on fire. Jade shoots a web to him and electrocuted him knocking him out.

Jade: so loud.

He turns around and web zipped to Sun with a kicked to the chest. He gets sent back and Ruby delivers a haymaker right to his jaw. Jade shoots a line to his arm and Ruby shot another line to his left. They let go and spin around and slightly hop into the air as they both deliver kicks to Sun's chest. This knocks him to the ground cratering him in it.

Jade: goodbye!

He picked him up and tossed him in the air. Both of them cock back a fist and Sun comes perfectly in their range and gets hit by both of them. He goes flying back and slapped up against the barrier perfectly in front of Blake as well.

Jade and Ruby high five.

Ruby: we won!

Jade: of course we won.

They high five again but then the crowd suddenly got loud again and they drop to a knee because of how sudden it was.

Jade: turn it back off!

Mina: oops.

The crowd got tuned out again and the two stand up.

Ruby: that was awful...

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