I knew that look, that's the look my mom gives me when she has the most ridiculous idea.

"Or I can give you her number?"

Number? I wasn't expecting that.

With a dumbfound expression, I open the lock on my phone, giving it to her. She smirks to herself as she quickly typed in a number.

"There you go," She hands me back the phone grinning like she was waiting for a ride at Disneyland.

"I saved it as Issac's mother in the contacts for you to remember who it is," I nod and just then Issac comes out of his room running to me.

"Hey! Look who it is!" I bend down picking Issac for the fourth time today.

"Hehe," He giggles snuggling me into me. I smile but that smile soon disappears when I realize I have to go. I have to leave him. I don't want to but I have to go.

"Bud, I have to go."

"Y-you are leaving?" He looks up, his crystal blue eyes staring at me, trying not to cry.

"Yeah... I have to go home." I state wanting to slap myself for hurting Issac.

"You come back right?" He said hugging me tight.

"Yes bud. I promise." I hug him closer into my chest. I don't want to go.

"Pinky?" He raises his tiny pinky which I gladly return. My finger three times larger than his.

"Bye Issac. I have to go." I whisper, kissing his little forehead before I leave. I set him down where he stands next to his aunt trying not to cry.

I go to leave, waving goodbye. " I'll see you later, Issac." Issac nods sadly waving back.

Bye, Bud.

With that I take my leave knowing all to well I will come back again. For him.


Autumn's POV

This sucks. I hate grocery shopping for three reasons. One, everything is more expensive now because of freaking taxes. Like hell I hate taxes. In these times, I swear I will move to another country if I had to. Moving onto number two, you would think carrying groceries and walking would be easier but no it's not especially if you don't have a cart or car. There goes my exercise for the next two weeks. And the third reason is self explanatory, who the hell likes to go to the store. I don't. The whole thing is depressing. I get a whole paycheck that makes me surge with pride only for it to disburse like wildfire.

The whole thing just reminds me how broke I really am. But that's life right?

Finally stepping into my building I make it into the elevator trying get this over with. The sooner the better they say. I lift the grocery bags that were all on forearms and hands, pushing myself to carry them even with the struggle.

God, I wish I was fit.

Ding. The elevator opens, stepping in I put the groceries down with an exhale of relief as the door closes. Thank god for whoever invented elevators.

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