10. Emma

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I had woken up to a day which was ready to welcome fall. The cold winds blowing had made everyone wear an extra layer of clothing. Some who actually want to save themselves from the weather and others who wanted to flaunt their winter wear.

Margaret Sanders belonged to the latter category because in no way did it make sense to wear gloves, cardigan and a scarf while she wore what could barely be called a skirt without any stalking, and on top she tied the school blazer around her waist because why use that when we can flaunt everything else.

"She is so stupid! Doesn't she realize how stupid she looks as she unnecessarily wears whatever extra, or in the case of her lower body, negligible as she currently does? Don't answer that. I am pretty sure her IQ doesn't allow her to understand something which doesn't include the male species. Actually, I am pretty sure she wouldn't understand that either because if she did then she would realize how-"

Belle cuts me off and says in a tired tone, "stupid she looks."

Choosing to ignore her disinterest I continue, "Exactly my point. I am glad you agree that her wardrobe is designed only to catch attention of the pervert, shameless, nuisance species of males."

"First of all, I never said that and secondly unlike you, not everybody dresses lighter than usual on a windy day. And I get it that you relish feeling cold breeze on your skin but there are actually some sensible people who would rather not be so vulnerable to the weather."

I wanted to debate on how keeping oneself safe and not enjoy what life has to offer didn't make sense to me but I wanted more to point out how Margaret Sanders was anything but sensible.

"Oh, look at her," I say pointing at her figure leaning against the lockers as her vicious fingers play with her fake curls, "Do you really think it's the weather which makes her look so idiotic?"

I closed my own locker to face Belle who donned on her face an unusual smirk.

"I thought you didn't care."

"Well, I do care if someone like her shares the same air I breath!"

"I was not talking about Margaret." Belle informs me as we start walking towards the canteen.

"Then who else do I not care about?" I ask feeling my agitated self grow even more restless.

Belle turns to give me a don't-play-dumb look, "Come on! You know it's not Margaret's clothes which are getting on your nerves, it's the person she is talking to which is infuriating you."

My scoff follows an unamused laugh, "Sure, because that is all that my life needs to become a soap opera. Get jealous of the fact that a mindless nobody is talking to another mindless nobody."

"Mindless, yes but Jake is not a nobody," and then Belle dared to say the next sentence, "not to you anyway."

"You now what? I agree. He isn't nobody because sure as hell he isn't perfect."

Belle gives me a confused look so I explain in an obvious tone, "Nobody is perfect. Did you get it?"

Leaving a sigh, she mutters how she surprised she is that she did get it.

After collecting something to eat, we sit down at our table where Callum and Daphne were sucking each other's face.

Belle throws a fry at them and exclaims, "No kissing on the table! It is so disgusting."

"Why did you waste a fry on that! Could have given it to me" Eddie was quite disappointed.

"How will that be any difference to wasting a fry?" Oliver teased.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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