2. Emma

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"Ethan!" I shout as I bang on his door, "Ethan you bloody bastard, open your door right fuckin-"

"Emma, language!" warns my mother from the kitchen downstairs.

"Mum Ethan has taken my tie and he won't open his door!" I crib as I continue to bang on his door.

"Ethan, stop troubling your sister!" my father's voice reverberates through the house. I grin to myself as Ethan finally opens his door, if only to cry, "But Dad she put ketchup in my shoes first!"

"Liar! You were the one who cut holes in my socks first!"

"Well I wouldn't have done that if you wouldn't have taken buttons from my blazer to put on yours!"

"I wouldn't need to do that if you wouldn't have used my blazer buttons to plan your football field!"

"I am sorry that my game is more important than your fashion critics."

"Fashion critics! Well in that case I am sorry that not wanting to land up in detention is more essential to me than your lazy ass winning."

"Lazy? Whom are you calling lazy Miss-I-can't-even-run-one-lap?"

"At least that's better than being Mr.-I-can't-get-my-own-blazer."

"So, we are back to the blazers, now are we?"

"Oh, but you never did get past my blazing anger!"

"You don't even make sense. Go cry to daddy!"

"You are just jealous that everyone loves me more."

"Please! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

"I would if my little miss narcissist brother wouldn't hog all of them."

"Or maybe you are just blind."

"Blind to idiots? Yes. That's probably why I can't see you."

"No actually that's because your huge ego can't see anything beyond itself."

"Look who is talking about having a huge ego! You are the one-"

"Enough you two!" Dad shouts. "Can't we just have one peaceful morning?"

"Not with him here!"

"Not with her here!"

We both reply at the same time.

"I am counting till five and if you both are not back in your rooms getting dressed for school, trust me when I say no mashed potatoes for the whole month!" Mum's threat catches our attention as we go back to our rooms and slam the door shut.

A second later the doors open again, as we chuck the 'blazer buttons' and 'ties' to each other.

Few minutes later I am finally ready in my uniform as I walk downstairs to get the buttons fixed from mum, who is already fixing Ethan's blazer.

His ugly face gets a smug look as he forces me to acknowledge his victory of reaching before me.

"One to ass-face, zero to me." I mutter loud enough for him to hear.

"That didn't sound quite right to me sis."

"That's because-" I didn't get to complete my thought as my ringtone blares through my phone. However, seeing the caller I can finally get a smug look of my own, which makes Ethan confused.

"Hello Belle. Did I mention what a lovely morning it is?"

Ethan gives me a warning glare but I continue to ignore that along with whatever Belle has to say about my strange behavior.

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