The town we are going to be close to is Jefferson, Kansas. Pop. 120. I know Brantley don't want to be in town, but after what happened back in Georgia, Brantley promised me will be closer. And more then ever since I've had Lydia. As we was driving through Jefferson, we seen a church, a store, a mill, and a post office. Brantley pulled over next to the store. 

"Well maybe someone in here know's where the land office is." Brantley told me. He jumped off the wagon. He picked me up with Lydia in my arms, and sat me on the ground. I looked up at my tall husband. 

"Thank you Dear." I told him. I made sure Lydia was all cozy up in her blanket that I made for her. 

"Your welcome Darlin. You ready." Brantley asked me. 

"Yes we are. What about Minnie?" I asked Brantley. Brantley walked over to Minnie. 

"Stay here and watch the wagon." Brantley said to Minnie. Bessie the milk cow mooed at Brantley. 

"Okay you and Bessie watch the wagon." Brantley said to his dog and our milk cow. I was trying not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. 

"I can't believe that I was talking to a dog and a cow. I hope you are happy with all of this. You did this to me." Brantley said to me. I smiled at him. 

"And I won't have it any other way." I told him. I wrapped my arm around his waist. 

"Oh yeah." Brantley asked me. He was holding onto my hips. 

"Yes. Now lets get home." I told him. Brantley and I walked into the store. We saw an older woman and a older man. 

"Can I help you young folks." He asked us. 

"Well, I hope you can. We are looking for the landing office." Brantley asked the man.

"It's behind the post office. Ask for Mr. Quinn. He's the one that works in the landing office." The man told Brantley and myself. 

"Thank you so much. Names Gilbert. Brantley Gilbert. My wife Luci and our daughter Lydia." Brantley told the older man. 

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Mr. Cobb and this is my wife Mrs. Cobb." Mr. Cobb told us. 

"Nice too meet you too." Brantley said to the man. Mrs. Cobb walked over to Lydia and myself.

"How old is your baby?" The woman asked me. I looked up at her. I hate being only 5'0, seems like everyone is much taller then me.

"She just turned 5 weeks old." I told her. 

"Mine was never that small. All of mine was well over 8 pounds babes." She told me. Mine was only 5 pounds and I was in so much pain, but I would do it over in a heart beat. 

"She was only 5 pounds." I told her. Mrs. Cobb was looking at her and smiling. 

"Mr. Cobb and I never had any girls. 5 boys." She told me. I smiled at her. 

"I bet that was fun." I laughed with her. 

"Oh dear, many nights I went to sleep with one eye opened. Boys are so much harder to raise. You got lucky with a sweet baby girl." Mrs. Cobb told me. I smiled up at her. 

"Well we better get a goin Darlin." Brantley told me. I looked up at him. 

"Yes Dear. It was a pleasure to meet you both." I told them. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb smiled at us. 

"You too. We don't get many new comers around here. Small town living isn't for everyone." Mr. Cobb told us. 

"Well it is for us. Thanks for your help again." Brantley told them. I waved good bye and Brantley and I walked out of the store and walked over to the post office. I was looking around and I could see ourselves coming into town here. I looked up at Brantley. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now