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"Jonah i don't want to meet them i'm scared"

"Babe it's just my family trust me they're really nice"

"but what if they don't like me"

"they will i'm sure"

"how are you sure?"

"well i like you and normally when i like something they like it too"


"no! they're going to love you okay!"

"ugh okay"

"now go get ready cause we're leaving in an hour"

"if i don't get ready then can i not go"

"i'll still drag you there"

"ugh you're so frustrating!" i scream as i walk upstairs to get ready

"hey you ready?"

"ready as i'll ever be"

"baby seriously it's going to be fine"

"i guess. it's just i have a bad feeling about tonight and i don't know why"

"maybe it's in your head"

"probably. well let's go now"

he takes my hand and we walk out into our car

i still have a bad feeling about tonight and that terrifies me

"is there any chance we can just tell your parents that you're sick and i have to take care of you"

"Camryn seriously how many times do i have to tell you tonight's going to go fine"

"just one more time please"
we eventually get to his house and he grabs my hand

"you're going to be loved i promise you"


we step out of the car and he takes my hand again

"there's no turning back now" he says as we make it up to the front door

he knocks and his mom answers immediately

"Jonah! Baby you're here i missed you" she pulls him into a big hug and he groans

"don't call me baby that's embarrassing"

"oh it's not embarrassing. now who's this beautiful girl" she turns to me and takes my hand shaking it

"well mom this is Camryn my girlfriend"

"hi" i say kind of quietly

"you don't have to be so shy i'm a nice person"

"oh yeah i know that i'm sorry i'm just shy normally it's not you trust me you're really really nice i just- i'm sorry"

"hey Cam relax" Jonah grabs my hand and i calm down a little bit

"sorry" i mouth and he nods

"don't worry about it see my mom already likes you" he whispers before we walk in

"you still have four people left"

"actually three my brothers doing his own thing"

"ooo one less person so less scary" i roll my eyes and he laughs at me

"just talk to them like normal people."

we walk further into his house and his sisters come running over to him

apparently he hasn't been home in a long time cause everyone's saying how they haven't seen him

"ooo jonah she's pretty" his youngest sister says

"yeah she is. well I guess i should introduce you guys. so guys this is my girlfriend Camryn and Camryn these are my sisters Esther the older one and Svea the younger one"

we say hi and nice to meet you and then i meet his dad

all the meetings were great but now it's everyone together and eating so basically just interrogating me which is the scariest part
"so Camryn how did you react about the band"

"the band?"

um what

"yeah the band jonah's in."

"ive never heard he was in a band. Jonah you're in a band" i look to him and he's laughing awkwardly

"um about that im in a band called why don't we"

"i thought you were a travel agent"

"wait no way. jonah you never told her. well i will Jonah's in a huge boy band named why don't we. They've been on 5 tours and have a lot of songs. i'm surprised he's never told you about it"

"so Jonah when you told me about you going on those super long 'business trips' you were just going on tour?"

"yeah. anyways can we talk about this later. it's not the time"

"when is the time?"

"just not right now okay"

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to start a fight" his mom says

"you didn't start anything, i'm just confused why he wouldn't tell me"

"well i didn't want to tell you early on cause i didn't want you to use me for my money"

"woah i would never do that i'm not that type of person"

"well i didn't know that"

"did you really think i'm that kind of person?"

"can we talk about this later this was supposed to be about you not about me and my band"

"well we're definitely talking about quite a few things"
*Jonah's POV*

the dinner just ended and well it was very awkward and tense after me and Camryns little "fight" or whatever happened

but now we're on our way home and i already know she's going to confront me

we get into the car and i grab her hand, but she lets go

yup she's pissed

i just sigh and back out of the driveway

"so mr. famous would you like to tell me about this little band you're in. oh actually i know enough about that why don't you tell me about why you think i would use you for your money. yup that's what i really want to know" she says as we start on the main road

"okay i'm not going to lie AT THE TIME i thought that you MIGHT because a lot of people do that to people with money and fame. but now that we've been dating for this long i KNOW that you will not"

"so why did you take forever to tell about this little band"

"it's not a little band"

"whatever the fuck it is i don't care. also can you slow the fuck down please"

by now i am speeding down the highway cause i just want to get home

i know as soon as we get home and we shower, by the end of the night she'll be fine

"i just want to get home and sleep so we can stop this fighting"

"oh so you think once we get home this fight is over. well it is far from over. and by the way you're sleeping on the couch"

i start to slow down as we get to a light and i am starting to relax

"and why"

"do you think you deserve to sleep in the bed with me"

and that made me even more mad

"you know what you're being a real bitch right now for whatever reason" i tell her

"well sorry that-" she starts to say but all of a sudden our car is getting crashed into and she's hit and unresponsive

welcome to Paralyzed//J.M

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