(It was a habit at this point.)

"(Y/n)! Romano!" someone called.

(Y/n) shifted her head and waved when it turned out to be Belgium.

"Hello, Emma," she waved back.

"Belgium," Romano nodded.

"Are you excited?" Belgium asked as she pulled a chair out.

"I suppose," (Y/n) smiled.

Romano shrugged and crossed his arms. They talked for a little until it was time to get on the buses. Belgium had to leave first since she was on the first bus. (Y/n) left soon after. Romano was last. (Y/n) walked out to the entrance where the buses were. She loaded her suitcase into the bus and made her way into the bus.

The bus itself was a travel bus. It was mainly white with blue streaks for highlights. There was a washroom in the back along with places for bags on top of the seats. The seats looked comfortable like the type you could just sink into. (Y/n) shook her head. Of course, it did.

(Nothing less for the student of World Academy after all.)

She counted the numbers on the sides of the seat until she reached her number. She placed her bag under the chair next to the window and her jacket on the hook. Looked like her seatmate would come later. (Y/n) sighed and looked out the foggy window. Other people were beginning to get on their respective buses.

"Yo! Dudette!"

(Y/n) smiled, "Hello, America."

"Looks like you're my seatmate for this ride!" he grinned.


"Let's have fun!"

"Sure. This bus ride is going to be rather long anyway."

America cheered.


The bus took off soon after. Everyone was on the bus safely and they were ready to go. They were going to go skiing on a mountain range. It was the perfect time to go. The hotel rooms had already been ordered.

America had brought cards with him onto the bus.

"Dudette, wanna play some games?" he asked.

"Sure," (Y/n) agreed. She had nothing better to do.


America turned to the row across from theirs where France was.

"Frenchy! Wanna play cards?"

"W'at game?" France asked.

"You okay with crazy eight, dudette?"

"I don't mind."

"Crazy eight then," America nodded.

"Oui, t'at's okay," France said.

"Okay then! Let's get another person!"

America stood up and peeked over the seat in front of him.

"Yao, my dude, wanna play crazy eight?"

"What game are you talking about, aru?" China raised an eyebrow.

"I'll explain if you want to play."

"Fine, aru."

America smirked. (Y/n) sighed and wondered if this was a good idea.

(It might be.)


"Aha, take that!"

"No fair!"

"Plus two cards, aru."

"Reversed now."

"'ow many cards do you have left?"


"You're kidding me!"

"Hehe. Take those cards now, America."

"I will change to hearts, aru."

"I only 'ad two cards left!"

"You're going down dudette!"

(Y/n) smirked uncharacteristically. She only had one card left and if America made the wrong move, she would win. He pulled a card from his hand and placed it on the pile. A 2 of hearts. (Y/n) paused for dramatic effect, then, placed down her card. She had the 2 of spades.

"I win," (Y/n) smiled.

(That did take quite a while though.)

"Good game," America shook her hand.

China and France followed soon after. China took and the cards and shuffled them quickly.

"W'at s'ould we play next?"

"How about a couple rounds of president?" America suggested.

"Sure," China replied as he began to hand the cards out.


After the twentieth round of president, America had fallen asleep. They had won a handful of rounds each and were around equal. China gathered up the cards and slid then into the box which (Y/n) took carefully. She thanked him and left the box on the little table she could pull out in front of America.

He fell asleep surprisingly fast and was slowly leaning over towards (Y/n). She didn't notice until his head had made contact with her shoulder. She stiffened when she felt him leaning on her but didn't rush to push him off.

(That would be very impolite after all.)

Instead, she exhaled and sunk into her seat. It wouldn't be that bad, now would it?


I tripped and fell two days ago and now my leg looks rather unpleasant. Thanks for reading!

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