Start from the beginning

I lie on my and Dylan's bed with Yan Se.
She falls asleep just like this: on our bed, while I stroke her dark hair and sing her some little song.
I place my face against her and I inhale her scent ... It's so good that I would eat her!
After a few moments her breathing becomes heavier and her eyes close.  She has such a serene expression ...
Dylan, who has just showered, enters the room and lies down beside us.
We look at each other for a few moments without saying anything.
He reaches out, past our daughter, and gently strokes my cheek.
I smile at him and kiss his hand.
When the night comes, we are always so tired ... But happy, extremely happy.
I get up and take our daughter in my arms, then I gently put her in her bed.
"Do you know what's on TV tonight?"  Didi asks me, softly.
"Beauty and the Beast".
We exchange a look and then we run into the living room.
We jump on the sofa and turn on the TV.
I lean against his chest and lift my head to look into his eyes.
He kisses the tip of my nose.
"You're very tired, aren't you? You should take a few days off," he tells me.
I started working again in the bookstore shortly after Yan Se was born.  I couldn't stand the idea of ​​staying home while Dylan worked alone.  We take her there with us and we go out every so often to take her to the park or take a walk.  Our little girl loves our library ... If it were up to her, we should live there.
"There is no need, don't worry," I reply.
"Mmh ... Shen Yue?"
"She said Daddy!"
His eyes are full of light.
He loves our baby so much! He's the sweetest dad and husband in the world and I feel so lucky!
"Yes, love! And said by her it sounds so good!"  I smile.
He sighs with satisfaction and we return to watch Beauty and the Beast.
"Do you remember the first time we watched it?"  I ask him.
"How can I forget? We watched it twice that night! And do you know what else I remember?"
"I remember you with Belle's dress ... Beautiful as the sun. I was enchanted when I saw you. And I remember how stupid you were to leave our house to please Sun Qian ... And how I missed you in those days ".
I turn to him.
"And I remember you dressed as a prince ... Your sweet smile before the performance began. And our first kiss, on that stage. The shivers down my spine as soon as our lips met for the first time ... " I whisper softly.
"At the time I was so confused about my feelings for you, Yue ... And scared. You made me feels things I had never experienced before. Being without you was impossible, you were at the center of my thoughts and my worries, you were my little obsession ... All these feelings led to a single word: Love ... And it frightened me and excited me at the same time" he says.
I kneel on the sofa and hug him.
He rests his head against my chest.
I'm sure he can hear the mad beats of my heart.
"How far we have gone, from that day ... True? Brick by brick, slowly, we have built an extraordinary love ... So great to take your breath away," I say softly, hiding my face in his soft hair.
Suddenly I hear a little sob.
Is he crying?
I take his face in my hands and force him to raise his head.
His eyes are full of tears.
"My love ... What's up?"  I ask him, worried.
In a second I find myself lying on the couch, his lips pressed against mine.
"It happens that I love you. I love you so much, Shen Yue ... And if I am who I am now, if I have a home, a family, if I am the happiest man in the world, I owe it only to you".
I wipe away his tears and look for his mouth again.
"I love you" I sigh, without detaching myself from him.
This is our fairy tale.
There are still so many pages to read ... I can't wait to see my little Su graduate in psychology and marry his Xixi;  Mr. Wang enjoy his old age in peace;  our Yan Se grow up and live a life full of love like that of her mommy and her daddy.
We have faced so many things over the years! 
Meeting Wang He Di was a luck... Learning to know every shade of him, a blessing ... Loving him, an explosion of light.  I don't know what will happen in the future, but with him beside me I'm not afraid of anything.
One page at a time, among our little things, we will live happily ever after.


  Author's Corner
Yes, we have reached the end of this long journey 🤧
At the moment I have tears in my eyes ... I didn't expect that it would be so hard to say goodbye to Didi, Yueyue, Su, Mr. Wang... Having these characters in my head and heart for so long made them almost real in my own small world.  Writing about them distracted and lightened me in so many dark moments.
I really hope to have given you some feelings with this story!
I'm happy, because thanks to True Colors I have found wonderful people with whom I can talk and confront.
Thanks for being with me so far!  Thanks for every single comment, vote, read!  Your support was really important to me, you accompanied me every step of that way 💛💜
I hope to be back soon with a new story ... Will you be with me again?  ☺️
Thanks again for everything!  ❤️
A big hug,

Ooooh! Wait! This is for you, from me😘

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