Chapter 24: He's in full Gran-Mal! Get Hank up here with a cart, NOW!

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"Might I have a moment of your time, Logan?"

Xavier called out as Logan and Piotr walked out of the elevator.

Logan looked over to find Charlie eyeballing him with a mild expression. Here it came. Jeannie couldn't do the dirty work herself, so she was going to sic Xavier on him.

"[I'll catch up with you later] comrade." he murmured to Piotr.

The boy gave him a nervous smile, waved to Xavier, then headed off towards the stairs. He was probably still waiting for Jean to jump out at him and smack him.

Boy's gonna need to find a spine if he wants to find a wife in this country, Logan mused quietly to himself.

"Find out anything new?" Logan asked, not wanting to sound so hopeful.

"Nothing solid as of yet, unfortunately. No, Logan – I wanted to speak to you about another unrelated matter."

Logan raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's up?"

Xavier's wheelchair spun around and he began heading back towards his office.

Logan moved to follow as Charles replied, "I understand that you handled yourself remarkably well with our new student in the last session."

Logan padded behind the professor, wondering where he was going with this.

He remained silent as Xavier continued, "And I wanted to ask you for a favor of sorts."

Logan's brow creased as he cautiously asked, "What kind of favor are we talkin' here, Professor?"

Xavier had gotten in his face about calling him 'Chuck' soon after his return, and it wasn't a pissing contest that Logan wanted to engage in with the man again. He was willing to concede the floor and a moderate amount of respect to a man who had been critical in liberating him from that Canadian hellhole.

When they reached his office, Xavier replied, "It's my belief that you'll be a remarkably good tutor when it comes to teaching self defensive courses. While these children are already strengthening their minds, I'm afraid that the physical activities portion of their education is sorely lacking. We only have four teachers at the moment, and we could really use the help."

Logan blinked, not really sure that he'd heard the man correctly.

" want me to what?" he sputtered, completely thrown.

"Your skills, from what I've seen in the taped Danger Room sessions, are exceptional."

Logan blinked again. Of course the sessions were taped. That only made sense. He supposed it was a prime way to review tactics and moves after the fact.

"It's my rather strong opinion that you would be an asset to this institution, and to these children, if you could teach them even half of what you know." Xavier explained softly.

Teacher? The man seriously wanted him to instruct these kids? Was Charlie kidding? The professor was damned lucky that he wasn't proving to be a danger to them. A mild sense of constraint settled around him that he hadn't felt since his last time in confinement and it made his stomach roil. It felt as if something were trying to cage him again, to lock him down – slowly plucking away one freedom after the other.

Seven months ago he had only the clothes on his back, the freedom of the wilderness and nobody else to bother with. It would've been idyllic if people hadn't been trying to track him to the ends of the earth. He found that he almost missed it – the lack of complications. He'd only been responsible for one thing, keeping himself alive. There was a serenity to it that the white noise of being around other people disrupted.

Chance Encounter - Wolverine/X-Men FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora