Chapter 6: You're shitting in the man's house, Logan.

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Max watched as the redhead trailed behind the body of the guy with the strange headgear as it floated up a silver ramp up into the belly of a strange looking aircraft above them. The woman who introduced herself Ororo then walked down the ramp with a pair of grey sweats in her hand, quietly passing them down to Logan before disappearing back into the depths of the odd airplane.

Logan looked over at Max and said, "Maybe I'm being paranoid, but.."

"No, it makes sense. I'll check you over, then you can change and we can climb up into this flying machine."

He nodded and handed her the sweats. She had never been flying before. She wondered if she'd like it.

Logan looked back at her, frowning. "This your first time on a plane?"

Max let out a nervous laugh and said, "Yeah. That easy to read, is it?"

"There's nothin' to it." he explained as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it away from him onto the grass.

Max let out a laugh and said, "Last time you were on one it didn't go so well, if I remember correctly."

"Now don't go usin' that as an excuse." he chided.

Logan quickly stripped down as Max handed him the sweats, then shifted into dire form. After a cursory check that revealed nothing remotely electric, she shifted into wolf form and chuffed. Logan grinned, then pulled the pants on. Max cocked her head and let out a wistful whine as he covered up and he laughed.

"Later," he growled as he pulled the grey sweatshirt over his head.

They then made their way up the ramp and into the back of the cabin. Several odd looking chairs sat in a slanted line aiming to the center console, which was covered in metallic buttons, computer readouts and dials. Two odd looking steering wheels stuck out of what Max could only assume was a dashboard of sorts.

Ororo swiveled in the pilot's seat to look back at them and said, "We do not have a place in which we can safely strap her."

Max peered up at Logan and he said, "You got a set of these for her as well?"

Jean tapped his shoulder and he flinched, unsettled that she'd been able to sneak up on him. She quietly handed him a set of sweats and Max shifted and pulled them on, plucking at them. They were somewhat comfortable, but not really physically appealing.

Logan chuckled at her and she moved to swat him. He deftly evaded and murmured, "C'mon. Let's get you strapped in."

When they turned back to the seats, Max couldn't help noticing that Jean was staring at them with a strange expression. The woman's gaze kept moving from Logan to her, as if there was something about them that she didn't quite get.

Then Max recognized it. The scent of jittery pheromones tickled her nose and she looked over at Logan, who now looked surprised as well. The woman was attracted to him – or at least her body was. Logan could probably smell it on her as well, Max thought. She chuckled and gave him a halfhearted elbow in the ribs before moving to strap herself firmly into one of the seats.

Logan looked back at her with a confused expression, then he looked alarmed.

Max laughed and shook her head, smiling. He cocked his head and walked over to her, peering at her strangely before moving to strap himself in as well.

Once in the air, the feeling of flying was entirely too disorienting. Max hated it. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to shrink back in her seat in an attempt to stop the nausea that was threatening, but she was losing the battle. Only when she felt a hand brush her knee did she open her eyes. The seats themselves didn't allow for much movement, but Logan had reached back to touch her. To reassure her.

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